Gorgeous Black Panther Lovingly Says Good Night to Her Mom

Saying goodnight to your pets is a lot like saying goodnight to your kids. There's probably a ritual involved and lots of snuggles and love. @Luna the Pantera is a rescued black panther that has been with her mom since she was just a cub. She's definitely just a big cat, and their relationship is pretty cool to see since she doesn't seem to know how big and powerful she really is. Her mom shared a video in mid-November of the two of them saying goodnight to each other, and it's the sweetest thing you'll see today!

The video starts with mom going in to kiss Luna's paw, but Luna wants more than that. She puts her paw on mom's head and draws her in closer for a big hug and purr. There are more kisses and pets and rubs from mom, as Luna closes her eyes to go to sleep. Check out the video here and see this cuteness for yourself!

@Luna is so gentle when she hugs her mom! And it's so cool to hear her purr like a kitten. You can tell that the two are totally comfortable and loving towards each other. What an amazing relationship these two have!

Related: Watch: Gentle Panther Sweetly Gives Rottweiler a 'Bath'

Commenters also swooned over the mom and her panther saying goodnight to each other. @sweetea said, "She’s such a baby kitty!!!" I agree with @Sandy Harger who shared, "I just love your panther and am slightly jealous lol enjoy!!!"

Obviously having a panther as a pet is not something most of us could do. Luna's mom adopted her after she was rejected by her mom and abandoned by the zoo that housed her. Exotic pets require a lot more care, food, space to run and play, and are more costly than regular pets and you can't have them in every state. Luna's lucky that she has a family (and her Rottweiler BFF) to call her own.

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