Funny Cat 'Orders' Mom to Get Up and Give Her Treats Like a Total Queen

Every cat owner knows that there's only one person who runs the household: your animal. Yep, the second you get a cat you pretty much kiss being in charge goodbye. Take one cat on the internet named Caramel who has her mama completely wrapped around her finger.

As the video shows, Caramel knows how to get exactly what she wants.

The hilarious clip shows the cat lodging a complaint to her mama — and she won't stop until her voice is heard. The footage shows the cat walking over to her owner and giving her some serious sass.

Related: Cat's Annoyance Over Sharing a Treat with His Fur Sibling Is the Best

"What?" her owner asked from behind the camera. "You found me here. You want something?" she asked. "You want me to follow you?"

Yes — yes she did. The cat of course led her to the treat cabinet. But sadly for Caramel, her mama insisted that she get brushed before getting the reward.

The cat mom joked that this was their "daily routine."

The comments section were totally in Caramel's thrall. "I love her. Sweet, spoiled, sassy," wrote one person. "So much urgency with this one!" another commenter joked. "She complains so sweetly," a third person added. "Why don't you do it like my stylist at the salon! Mom!!!!" teased someone else.

Cats Are Sort of Bossy

Despite being sweet and adorable, something must be admitted: cats can sort of be domineering. In fact, some completely normal people find themselves being bossed around by their feline pet.

There's a reason for this. Cats believe that they are in control of everything. They even believe that they're in control of you. Yep, it doesn't matter how small your cat is, they sincerely believe that they're in charge. And here are just a few ways that your cat will let it be known that they want something.

No matter how aloof your cat might seem, cats will let it be known when they want attention. In fact, they might even demand it. Cats even study and learn which noises and behaviors will get a reaction from their humans, which is bad news for you if your cat wants something and you're trying to sleep.

Another behavior that cats exhibit to show dominance is refusing to move. We've all been there before, when your cat doesn't want to go somewhere they simply won't budge.

Food is another place where cats will show their strength. Cats will let you know when they're hungry. And they'll bother you until you get up and get them a treat.

Sadly we don't see Caramel giving up her throne anytime soon. But something tells us that her mama doesn't mind having such an adorable leader.

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