Fluffy Senior Golden Retriever's Backyard Zoomies Are Enough to Make Anyone's Day

There are so many ways dogs can show their joy. Tail wags may be their most obvious, but if you know what to look for, you can notice little signs throughout each and every day. Then again--some signs aren't so little!

Senior Golden Retriever Maverick is one happy boy, and he showed it with the cutest zoomies dog lovers have ever seen. His fluffy coat makes him even more adorable than you can even imagine, but it's his pure undiluted joy that makes his zoomies so captivating. Nearly 100 thousand TikTok viewers sure think so! This sweet old guy has been making people smile for years with his videos, but this one is an instant classic.

OK--it's official: Maverick could not get any cuter if he tried! The way his fluff billows around him as he runs makes him look like a cloud, and the way he runs makes him seem at least a few years younger. He's a sweet 7-year-old baby, but in moments like these, he may as well be a puppy.

Related: Watch: Senior Dog Gets Cutest Case of the Zoomies After a Bath

"How can a dog be fast and slow at the same time?" asked one commenter. LOL--that's called aging! An older, stumpy dog like Maverick just can't get the same speed that a Greyhound can, but I can assure you he has just as much fun.

Yes, that's right--Maverick is a stumpy Golden Retriever! A medicine stunted his growth when he was young, but there's no denying that his little leg makes him even more unique, adorable, and loveable. Besides, he doesn't even know the difference! He can get the zoomies just like any other pup, and it's quite the sight to see.

I can only imagine what his zoomies will look like when he's even older. My guess is that he gets better with age like a fancy wine, so by this time next year, he'll--somehow--be even cuter.

Why Do Dogs Get Zoomies?

I remember feeling absolutely flabbergasted the first time I witnessed a dog's zoomies in person. In fact, it was the shy and sweet poodle mix that my family and I adopted when I was in high school. The first time he zoomed around the backyard, I was sure he was trying to escape from the yard! But now I know, he was just excited about being home and having a backyard of his very own.

But why do dogs get the zoomies? It's thought that dogs use zoomies as a way to release pent-up energy that's been building up. Maybe they've just woken up from a long nap, or maybe they feel five pounds lighter after going to the bathroom! Nearly anything could trigger an episode of the zoomies, but you can rest assured that track stars like Maverick are very happy dogs.

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