Escaped Horse Spotted Running and Keeping up With Traffic on Philadelphia Highway

This story out of Philadelphia is definitely one you don't hear about - or see- every day! If you're a commuter, you know that some interesting things can happen on your way to work, but have you ever seen a horse galloping down the side of the highway and keeping up with traffic? That's what happened on the morning of Tuesday, February 20th and ABC News shared a video of the horse.

The horse was filmed by morning commuters on 1-95 in Philly. He had escaped from a riding club, and it's currently under investigation to figure out how he got out and onto the highway. Make sure your sound is on because you can hear him as he runs!

Crazy, right?! I've never seen anything like this, and I'm sure the horse was terrified of all of the traffic. I bet the commuters were extremely concerned that the horse would veer into traffic and be injured or killed. @ABC News fans were also concerned. One commenter said, "Poor baby!! It has no idea what is going on, the anxiety, hope it is safe & healthy!" And I couldn't help but laugh at @Ray Skullman's comment (because I did it too!), "Did anyone else just watch this video over and over again for the clippity clop?"

Related: Raccoon Turns Up at Philadelphia Airport Baggage Claim Leaving Passengers Stunned

The Escaped Horse Was Rescued Safely

Fortunately, this story has a happy ending. NBC News in Philadelphia reported that although it's not clear how the horse was captured, law enforcement was able to stop and save the horse. He was seen by many on the side of the highway surrounded by law enforcement, who issued a statement that the horse was safe and unharmed, and seemed to be in good health as it was loaded into a trailer.

Philadelphia police department also made light out of a tense situation and issued a joke to residents: "Hey Philly, uh, hold your horses (so we don't have to)." I love to see jokes like this, and that the PD has a good sense of humor!

It's very dangerous for a horse to run on pavement, asphalt, and other hard surfaces. Damage can include sore and bruised feet, swollen joints and muscles, and even shin splints. There's also a chance that the horse could slip, especially if the ground is wet (or in Philly's case, possibly icy).

I'm hoping that we'll get an update on the horse soon. I'm sure that after it's run down the highway it needed some rest and some water. Crossing my fingers along with everybody else that the horse didn't have any injuries, and that it won't try to do that again!

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