Donut Peaches Are Everywhere Right Now—Have You Seen Them?

what is donut peach
What's So Special About Donut Peaches?olgakr - Getty Images

Perhaps one of the best parts about summertime is the abundance of fresh, seasonal fruits—blueberries, watermelon, cherries, and, of course, peaches. But we're not just talking about your typical peaches. (Sure, those are delicious, too.) But you may have noticed a different type of peach at the farm stands recently: one that's flatter and rounder than your regular peach. In fact, the adorable fruit looks almost exactly like a sweet homemade donut. Hence the name: donut peach.

But what exactly is a donut peach? And how does it differ from other stone fruits? Aside from the obvious differences in shape, a donut peach has some pretty special characteristics, its own distinct taste, and lots of different names. You might see it referred to as a flat peach, UFO, Galaxy, Tango, Sweet Bagel, or even Peach Pie.

First originating in China, the fruit came to the United States in the 19th century. But they didn't gain popularity until the 1980's. These days, you'll find the saucer-shaped peaches in season from late spring through summer. But just be warned, they often have a heftier price tag than your average peach. So, what makes them so special? Read on for everything you need to know.

what is donut peach
olgakr - Getty Images

What is special about donut peaches?

For starters, the taste! Donut peaches are one of the sweetest fruits around with a candy-like almond flavor that's so unique. Unlike their fuzzy cousins, donut peaches have thin, tender skins without the fuzz. This makes them ideal for baking in your favorite peach desserts since you don't need to peel them. The flesh is also typically white compared to the yellow color of other peaches.

How can you tell if donut peaches are ripe?

A perfectly ripe donut peach will be juicy and sweet. To tell if their ripe when you’re shopping, simply use your nose and take in the smell. Donut peaches are ripe when they have a strong, rosy, perfume-like scent. You can also let your donut peaches ripen on the counter in the same way that you would let bananas turn ripe. After a day or two at room temperature, they should be sweet, juicy, and ready to eat.

Why are donut peaches so expensive?

If you've never heard of—or even seen—a donut peach before, there's a reason for that. This cute peach is known as a specialty product that might not be found in every grocery store. In fact, when you do see peaches for sale, you may notice that the price is somewhat higher than your typical peach. The reason for this is that donut peaches are more difficult to grow. Despite the price, donut peaches are worth a taste, so go ahead and keep an eye out for this funny-looking stone fruit.

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