Clip: A Pod of Dolphins and a Surfer Share a Party Wave at Black's Beach

Drone technology has been treating us to an abundance of really cool footage showing surfer and wildlife encounters.

There's the gray whale that almost (accidently) whipped a surfer with its tail, sharks and surfers sharing moments of peace, and the killer whale footage shot by pro skimboarder, Blair Conklin.

Then there's dolphins. Earlier this year we saw them catching waves at Snapper Rocks and not long ago sharing a wave with a surfer on a beautifully glassy day in Australia. In the video below, we see another surfer and some dolphins share a party wave.

Related: Clip: Humpback Whale Photobombs Surfer Koa Smith as He Boosts a Huge Air

The footage is the latest from San Diego-based ocean wildlife photographer and shark advocate, Scott Fairchild.

Fairchild captioned the clip above:

"Surfing with dolphins!"

The clip shows a surfer paddling for a wave with dolphins on both sides. As the surfer stands up and takes off, one dolphin shoots right under the person in the wave, and the others follow.

Fairchild's viewers were stoked and shared a few stories of their own:

"I’ll never forget the first time I sat on the beach (HB) and saw my brother catch a wave with porpoises in it. It was one of life’s truly magic moments. Etched in my mind forever."

"Growing up on the Central Coast, that was my one of my favorite things! Oh how I miss the ocean, and all its beauty"

"It’s like to dolphins were saying, mate this is how you do it"

"How Completely MAGICAL an experience!"

"Scott I'm your super fan!! This is really amazing! Thank you so much for bringing us this!"


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