Building A Legacy - The Story Of Flathead Valley's Homegrown Bike Park

Legacy Bike Park is a rider's paradise. The park is nestled in the hills west of Flathead Lake in northwestern Montana on a plot of land that would otherwise be a new development or something to that effect.

The park has only been open for three years but in that short span of time, it has completely reinvigorated riding in the region. Take a look at the story of the park below.

I remember catching wind of the new park in the spring of 2021 and immediately thinking, "I have to be a part of this." I didn't necessarily know how to or who to talk to do it, all I knew was that I wanted in.

Well, late in the spring of that year opportunity came knocking and all of a sudden I was up at the park as many weekends as I could spare slapping shovel, riding, and getting to know the faces behind the place.

There was a special allure to it, I had never in my wildest dreams thought that there could be a park like this basically in my backyard. But, sure enough there it was, sprung out of the ground as if it had grown there overnight.

The sense of community there was strong since the beginning and by the time opening weekend came around there was already a culture built around the park that only grew stronger throughout the years.

One month out from opening day, Onyx trail berm work <p>Alex Butler</p>
One month out from opening day, Onyx trail berm work

Alex Butler

Those first months up there felt like coming home in a way. It was like I had finally found a community in an otherwise sparsely inhabited desert of uphill-centric riding and an older generation of freeriders that had already done their time and had their crews.

Throughout the years that feeling has remained and I am sure I am not alone when I say that no matter where I end up, that park will always hold a special place in my heart.

Sappy personal anecdote aside, Legacy opens in just over a month so get those tickets now because it will sell out fast.

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