Bengal Cat Has a Sweet Conversation with New Kitten Upon Meeting for the First Time

Bringing home a new pet is always exciting, but that doesn't mean it's not without its stressors. Having a new animal in your life can be a big adjustment for everyone involved, including current pets, but after a while, it will feel like it was meant to be.

If you're lucky, though, everyone will click right away! That still doesn't mean every moment will be sunshine and rainbows, but any pet owner would take a big breath of relief when their current pet accepts their new pet right away. April and Caine's owner sure did!

When Bengal kitten April came home for the first time on April 16 (I wonder if the month inspired the cat's name!), big brother Caine was curious, alert, and talkative. In fact, the two had an entire conversation within the first thirty seconds of meeting one another!

OMG--listen to them! That definitely wasn't the kind of greeting I expected to see from an unsuspecting older sibling, but it was so cute that Caine responded to April's teeny tiny hellos. But now it has me wondering how she knew there was another cat before she even saw him!

Related: Mama Bengal Cat Lovingly Guards Her Baby in Video That's Impossible to Resist

Her feline sense of smell must be highly developed already--or maybe she was just meowing for her own comfort. Either way, the interaction worked out well for everyone! Now, their owner can breathe a sigh of relief.

"For cats meeting for the first time, that’s probably the most positive reaction I’ve seen," agreed commenter @insert_cringeusername. No kidding! There was no fear or tension between the new cat and her big brother, and the interaction wasn't forced at all. In fact, it looks like Bengal cat Caine wants to get even closer, although he quickly changed his mind when the two were finally on the same level.

LOL! Finally, the shock of what's going on seems to settle in for Caine. Bengal kitten April looks flabbergasted, too, but this was a great baby step in the right direction. Introductions take time! Before long, they'll be the best of friends.

Are Bengal Cats Chatty?

A few viewers commented that they also have talkative Bengal cats, so I wonder if this is a trait of this exotic cat breed. And sure enough, it is! They're known as very vocal cats, and some will even have full conversations with their humans. Of course, every individual cat has different traits--even if they're from the same breed--so not all Bengal cats are talkative. April and Caine, however, seem like they could banter for hours!

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