Ben Gravy Surfs and Survives 'Cave of Doom' in Italy (Watch)

Ben Gravy's been on a mission to surf every country in the entire world, and he's making progress.

Recent foreign surfing conquests include Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and even New Jersey's Namibia.

A few days ago, he released footage of his trip to Italy with waves that, well, at least got the job done. Now, he's released another video with a much more impressive surf session.

Gravy captioned the video above:

"It's official, the waves are massive! I never thought I'd see Italy & the Mediterranean Sea look like this. Thanks to my friend Albert we found this absolutely hectic wave cave of doom that we just had to try. Albert claims the best novelty wave in all of Italy & he just might be right! Enjoy!! - Ben"

Like his last vlog, Gravy's adventuring with his wife, so it's travel part surf flick. In this one, he surfs a "cave of doom."

Team Gravy gets a lot of waves. They're mostly head-high life in stormy conditions but offer decent rides all the way in.

What's important is that he's officially scored Italian surf.

Where to next?

As usual, Gravy's viewers enjoyed the footage and it's clear in the comments below:

"Looks like you guys are having so much fun!!! Thanks for sharing this dream getaway."

"A wave like this has been in my dreams for decades, to see that it is real is mindblowing."

"Looks like you two are having a great time thanks for taking us along ben nub nation for the win"


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