Baby Wombat at Australia Reptile Park Gets the Cutest Case of the Zoomies

It's not everyday that we see wombats. But we definitely encourage you to head to your local zoo the next time your feeling grumpy — especially if they're as sweet as Wilbur, a baby wombat that's taking the internet by storm.

There's pretty much no frown that Wilbur couldn't turn upside down. He looks like the an animal stuffy come to life.

Footage of Wilbur getting the wombat "zoomies" is the absolute cutest. We didn't even know that wombats could get the zoomies! It's pretty much the most precious surprise. In the clip shared by the Australian Reptile Park, Wilbur weaves in-and-out through his handler Seleena's boots. "Play with me! Play with me!" he seems to say.

Related: Baby Wombat 'Twerks' on Hiker's Pole in Tasmania Much to Everyone's Delight

The footage then cuts to Wilbur running around his enclosure. It shouldn't be any surprise that he trails behind Seleena as he goes around the grass. Look at his little trots! It's so cute. What a rolly, polly he is! At the end of the clip, Wilbur's handler picks him up and gives him some loving. We don't know how she even has the will to put the little guy down. He'd be in our arms 24/7 if he was ours.

"Wombat zoomies! Wilbur the cheeky wombat joey follows Keeper Seleena everywhere," the video's caption reads.

Baby Wombats in the Wild

We hope every wombat is as sweet as Wilbur is, but we'd have to travel to Australia to find out. That's where wombats come from — specifically the eastern and south-eastern states. Wombat babies are technically known as joeys. Female wombats can only give birth to one joey at a time, starting from when they are two years old. Joeys are the size of jellybeans when they're born and will live in their mother's pouch until the are 10 months old.  Then they'll be on their own, but stay close by their mamas until they are no older than two so they can feed.

Wombats tend to live in burrows tens of feet down in the ground. Burrows can hold as few as one or two wombats, while other burrows can be a family of wombats living together. However most wombats live alone.

Wombats are also nocturnal. They sleep during the day and feed at night. They can be very territorial over their feeing ground, so you don't want to get in their way when they're ready to eat. But don't stress too much. Wombats are herbivores, meaning they'll be more tempted to fight you over a salad than hamburger or a steak.

People in the comments section were swooning over Wilbur. "My heart is overflowing with love!" wrote one person. "I love him! Wilbur is soooo CUTE," another commenter exclaimed. "Is this not a cgi wombat????!!!" a third commenter joked. 

Honestly we get it. Wilbur is almost too cute to be real.

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