'Rogue One' Director Says Carrie Fisher Couldn't Tell Princess Leia Was Actually Computer-Generated

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story received mostly positive reviews, but also criticism for its CGI characters — Grand Moff Tarkin and Princess Leia. The term “uncanny valley” was used a lot, meaning, “the hypothesis that human replicas which appear almost, but not exactly, like real human beings elicit feelings of eeriness and revulsion among some observers.”

Princess Leia in ‘Rogue One’ (Photo: Lucasfilm/ABC Nightline)
Princess Leia in ‘Rogue One’ (Photo: Lucasfilm/ABC Nightline)

But one person who didn’t mind the CGI was the late Carrie Fisher. Rogue One director Gareth Edwards told Fandango that Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy told him, “[Fisher] didn’t realize it was CGI. She thought we had some footage. She didn’t remember the take and thought we had manipulated a take from the original film. But they told her it was all computer generated and she was really impressed. We were all just so pleased she approved it.”

Lucasfilm chief creative officer John Knoll defended the CGI Princess Leia to Yahoo back in January. “This again is something we wouldn’t have done without her permission and blessing,” he said. “[Kennedy] called me right after she showed it to [Fisher] and said how fantastic she thought it was. So she was very much in favor of it.”

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