
Man finds the coyote he hit sitting behind the wheel of his car

Man finds the coyote he hit sitting behind the wheel of his car

An ordinary commute took an entirely unexpected turn for a Canadian man after he hit a 30-pound coyote. While most people would keep going, the unnamed driver stopped, picked up the unconscious animal, and kindly placed it on his car's passenger seat in a bid to save its life.

The Manitoba man didn't take it to the nearest animal shelter, though. He was likely a little bit panicked, and the coyote still hadn't regained consciousness, so he drove to work and left the animal in the car for several hours while he tried to figure out where to take it, according to Canadian news outlet CBC. The man later returned to his car — and found the coyote sitting upright in the driver's seat, behind the steering wheel. We can't make this up, folks.