
Uncovering adulterers favorite cars for stepping out

Even the unfaithful have their favorites when it comes to carmakers.

How do we know? Illicit Encounters, the United Kingdom’s top dating website for married or otherwise attached people looking to cheat on their spouses or significant others, recently polled its 800,000 members to see what kind of vehicle they drive. (For the record, it defines "cheating" as anything from an occasional flirtatious online chat or weekly cup of coffee to ringing Big Ben.)

As you might expect, the morally bankrupt tend to gravitate toward sexy, powerful, performance-oriented cars rather than staid, economical and family models. But if you think the IE list is filled with Italian and other high-end makers of super stock, you’d be wrong. No Lambos, Ferraris, or Maseratis here. Apparently, the majority of cheaters prefer mass-market machines.


Since the survey didn’t identify specific cars, just the most and least-driven brands, I've narrowed the choices down to the car most likely chauffeuring someone who's stepping out. Tell us what you think of the choices below:


According to the survey Audi is the most popular carmaker among the morally-compromise. In fact, more than 1 in 5 (22 percent) of Illicit Encounter regulars pilot a machine from Ingolstadt.

The Adulterous Auto: The R8 Coupe or Spyder would be easy a choices for this roundup. Instead, we picked the new RS7, a model that can serve as a polite ride during the day, but cast its own come hither looks at night. Women will love its elegant, rakish, sexy and athletic exterior and exquisitely styled interior. Men will dig that it handles as well as it looks. Plus, it is fast — thanks to the twin-turbo 4-liter engine, which is basically the same powerplant found in Bentley's Continental GT V-8, only tuned to develop 560 hp and a colossal 516 ft.-lb. of torque.