Voice of the People (May 26, 2024): Amendment 4 won't allow abortion anytime

The Lakeland Women's Health Center on South Florida Avenue.
The Lakeland Women's Health Center on South Florida Avenue.

Amendment 4 isn't abortion on demand

Many people will tell you, some of them politicians, that the ballot initiative, Amendment 4, will guarantee abortion on demand at any time during a pregnancy. But that is just not true.

Those who drafted this initiative chose carefully the moment of “viability” as the transitional point in pregnancy, because that term was already codified and defined in Florida law.

That’s right, Florida Statute, Title XXIX, Public Health, Chapter 390, called “Termination of Pregnancies,” defines viability as “the stage of fetal development when the life of a fetus is sustainable outside the womb through standard medical measures.” So once the fetus has reached a point of being able to live on its own, the consequences of obtaining an abortion change significantly.

So don’t be fooled by people who argue against the amendment.

Instead, remind them that 91% of all abortions happen before the pregnancy is 12 weeks along. Another 4% occur in the next three weeks. Only 4% of abortions occur after the 16th week of pregnancy, with some of those occurring before viability. Data consistently show only 1% of abortions occur after viability.

Amendment four will not change those data. But it will keep women's rights safe.

Ben Graffam, Lakeland

Voice of the people (May 19, 2024): Thank you for support during our Flight to Honor

Women's Health Center respects every woman

On Monday and Tuesday, April 29 and 30, the staff at Lakeland’s Women’s Health Center worked long into the night seeing patients who were seeking reproductive health care.

That may not hit home to many who read this, but it should. Normally, Monday and Tuesday, are not patient days at the center. But that week was no normal week, as patients only had until midnight to get their health care needs treated.

Take a moment and imagine needing a procedure, something that will provide the health care you need, and then ponder what it would mean to you if that procedure went away. Imagine knowing you could not get what you needed after the clock struck 12.

Again, for some of you this doesn’t hit home, but consider: Women who are denied access to reproductive health leave school sooner and have more difficulty finding good jobs. They are more likely to be trapped in abusive relationships. They and their children are more likely to live in poverty.

Florida has begun to mistreat many women. But on the last Monday and Tuesday of April, the staff at the Women’s Health Center respected every woman they saw.

I thank them for that kindness.

Jennifer Cordova, Lakeland

Voice of the People (May 12, 2024): Florida meatheads ban lab-grown meat

No good options in November

Just under six months and already I am not liking the results of the upcoming November presidential election. Joe Biden is too old and ineffectual. Donald Trump is "no spring chicken" and is crazy ("certifiable"). A parasite ate part of Robert Kennedy Jr's brain. (Apparently, parasites have attacked the brains of some members of Congress). No matter the results, come January 2025, can we invoke the 25th Amendment and possibly get a president who knows what the heck he or she is doing?

Stephen Hart, Lakeland

Voice of the People (May 5, 2024): Roundabout at Galloway and 10th Street would be a waste

Denial of climate change

It is distressing to read “DeSantis Resists Climate Measures,” [May 7] by John Kennedy.

Sadly, a scientific fact-based reality – increasing greenhouse gases resulting in temperature rise – has been turned into a political one. Why are 99% of scientists alarmed about climate change, but many of our politicians are clueless?

An investigation by the Senate Budget Committee entitled “Denial, Disinformation, and Doublespeak:  Big Oil’s Evolving Efforts to Avoid Accountability for Climate Change” took place on May 1. Big Oil has known climate change was coming for 40 years. What did they do? They masterminded a well-funded, well-organized secret campaign complete with well-paid lobbyists to create doubt in people’s minds.

Climate change is now here with a 1.5 degree temperature increase last year. Early tipping points have been reached. We have the tools to mitigate climate change and prevent the worst of the devastating conditions that our grandchildren will face. But we don’t have the political will.

Just ask DeSantis and our Republican legislators. The disinformation campaign wages on. When you vote this November, don’t vote for fossil fuel pawns.

Katherine Sutherland, Polk Clean Energy Alliance, Winter Haven

Voice of the people (April 28, 2024): Why are Polk County trash collection fees going up?

Protests are out of hand

To the students on our college campuses. Are you aware that the United States of America is the largest international donor to the Palestinian Authority? We donated over a half billion dollars since 2021.

Are you even aware that the country of Israel is the only democratic country in the Middle East? May I suggest that if you want to make change, consider volunteering in Gaza. They need your help. Go to Gaza and protest for them. Maybe the change you desire will come easier.

Ripping down our flag and hanging up Palestine's flag is not the answer. Show some respect for our country. Protesting is fine as long as it is peaceful and constructive. Starting hate groups and fighting our law officials is not productive. Go protest in the Middle East countries, let's see how far you will get acting this way over there. Grow up. Destroying our colleges is not the answer.

Kathy Lonsfoote, Lakeland

Want to contribute?

Send letters to the editor to voice@theledger.com, or Voice of the People, P.O. Box 408, Lakeland, FL, 33802. Submit on the website at http://tinyurl.com/28hnh3xj, or go to TheLedger.com, click on the menu arrow at the top of the website and click Submit a Letter. Letters must be 200 words or less and meet standards of decency and taste.

This article originally appeared on The Ledger: Voice of the People (May 26): Amendment 4 isn't abortion on demand