Voice of the people (March 24, 2024): The traffic nightmare in northwest Winter Haven

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The traffic nightmare in northwest Winter Haven

The City of Winter Haven seems incapable of dealing with cut-through traffic in our neighborhoods.

The historic northwest area of Winter Haven, specifically 16th and 17th streets, is increasingly being used as a way to avoid the thoroughfares. Our neighborhood is one of the most historic areas in the city, but residents are struggling to walk or take a bike ride safely. We are bombarded by careless drivers who speed, ignore stop signs, and are openly hostile to pedestrians. Numerous pleas to the city either go unanswered or promises to do something go unrealized.

Cathy Rayburn, Winter Haven

Voice of the People (March 17, 2024): Don't take from church to make Galloway Road safer

Don't worry about Spanish moss

I want to assure Leslie Thomson ("Lake Hollingsworth trees," March 10 letters) that there's no such thing as a "palm tree consumed by Spanish moss." Spanish moss isn't a parasite. It doesn't harm trees.

When trees get older and lose their leaves, the Spanish moss becomes more prominent. That doesn't mean it's eating up the trees. It's not!

Jean Reynolds, Winter Haven

Voice of the people (March 10, 2024): Blurring the line between church and state

What's the real fake news?

I agree with those that think people who have an insatiable appetite for right-wing media must also have a high threshold for humiliation.

Their media outlets told them the 2020 election was “stolen” and “rigged,” until the evidence presented did not support their claims. The media led them to believe the Jan. 6 attack on our Capitol was spearheaded by Antifa, until the trials of those charged spoke out as MAGA extremists. The scares of a recession never materialized, and unemployment remains at record lows while Wall Street hits record highs.

The “Biden Crime Family” narrative fizzled-out when the Republicans’ star witness admitted the information he peddled came from Russia. The outrage right-wing media manufactured over undocumented individuals entering the U.S. collapsed when the Republican-controlled House refused to pass the Senate’s bipartisan agreement to strengthen America’s borders. Had Republicans really wanted to, the House could have passed the bipartisan bill, which would have raised the standard to get asylum, sent away those who do not qualify to enter our country and expedited cases for those who do.

Those screaming “FAKE NEWS” might consider the news they are eating up is the FAKE NEWS. It certainly appears that way.

Gary Hoover, Lakeland

Voice of the people (March 3, 2024): Who piled on more national debt?

Appalled at support for Trump

I have been perplexed when I hear Republicans answer the question, "Why do you support Donald Trump?" Some say I like his policies. When I review his term in office, his most celebrated policy, and some say his only accomplishment, was a tax break for the wealthiest among us, adding $3 trillion dollars to our national debt.

What I see as Trump's influence on our society has destroyed comity, decency, integrity, honesty, honor and trustworthiness. He brought chaos to political order, calling Democrats the enemy, calling the press the enemy of the people. I've seen GOP senators and Congressmen groveling to this immoral man who has used hatred and fear to rile his base voters. Are these the influences that Republicans support. Is this the man Republicans want their children to emulate?

I was brought up in a Republican family, a Christian family, and I often look at Trump's actions and words and ask myself "what would Jesus do?" I'm appalled when I hear anyone support this ignoramus.

Republicans need to check themselves. Vote these spineless politicians out of office.

Bruce W. Paulson, Winter Haven

Want to contribute?

Send letters to the editor to voice@theledger.com, or Voice of the People, P.O. Box 408, Lakeland, FL, 33802. Submit on the website at http://tinyurl.com/28hnh3xj, or go to TheLedger.com, click on the menu arrow at the top of the website and click Submit a Letter. Letters must be 200 words or less and meet standards of decency and taste.

This article originally appeared on The Ledger: Voice of the people (March 24, 2024): Nightmare roads in Winter Haven