Voice of the people (March 3, 2024): Who piled on more national debt?

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A fact check on national debt

A letter to the editor in the Feb. 25 edition of The Ledger was disturbing for its lack of understanding of economic facts.

One uninformed statement was that Trump “inherited nearly $20 trillion in national debt from Obama’s socialist administration.” Let’s look at the facts.

When Obama took office in 2009, the debt level was about $12 trillion. Eight years later it was about $20 trillion. That’s when Trump took office. At the end of 2020, it was $27 trillion. On average, Obama increased the national debt by $1 trillion per year in office. Trump by $1.75 trillion per year in office.

A more useful metric is gross national debt as a percentage of GDP. The low point of this measure was 31.8% at the end of the Carter administration. By the end of 2022 (the most recent full year of data), this measure was 119.8%. Of the 88 percentage point increase in this measure, Republican administrations added 64.6 percentage points, whereas Democratic administrations added 23.4 percentage points.

Interestingly, for the first two years of the Biden administration, this ratio fell by 6.4 percentage points, as the growth in GDP more than offset the increase in gross national debt.

William Hahn, Lakeland

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When did defending democracy become controversial?

Two reports in the Feb. 17, edition of The Ledger couldn't touch upon more serious concerns for Americans and those who support democracy here and around the world.

The reported death of Alexei Navalny (47 years old) in a Siberian Russian maximum-security prison should send chills through us all as Donald Trump and his MAGA Republican followers continue to support and praise Russia's leader, Vladimir Putin. Navalny was Putin's political prisoner for having the courage to object to Putin's anti-democratic Russian system where Putin and his inner circle strip Russia of its wealth. What happens here if Trump and his MAGA team win control?

And then, in Munich, Vice President Kamala Harris seeks to assure the world that the U.S. is still committed to democracy as we struggle here at home to get the funding to stop Putin's outward military advance at Ukraine. How, one wonders, did this need to defend democracy even become an issue?  Just what is the inner core of MAGA supporters?

Whatever it is, it is a danger to our freedom here at home and democracy around the world.

Richard Sutherland, Lakeland

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Men haven’t done well as president

I find it extremely troubling to be confronted with the leading presidential candidates being offered.

Trump has shown himself as an ego maniac with no respect for the constitution and no moral or ethical compass in any phase of his life. His comments on NATO and Nikki Haley's husband offend me as a veteran. Neither Trump, his father nor any of his sons have ever served in the military and yet he mocks those who have served.

President Biden has shown himself to react rather than lead. Inflation under his policies has been too great. It is time for a change.

I support Nikki Haley. The men have not done so well lately as president. It’s time for a well-qualified woman to be our president.

Duane Chirhart, Winter Haven

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Celebrate Women’s History Month

The origin of Women’s History Month started in Santa Rosa, California, as a local celebration in 1978, recognizing women’s great works in their communities. The program spread across the United States as local communities began their own Women’s History Week.

In 1980, The Women’s Groups and Historians, the National Women’s History Project (Known as: The National Women's History Alliance) successfully lobbied for national recognition, which focused on women’s great contributions to our society.

President Jimmy Carter issued the first presidential proclamation in February 1980, declaring the week of March 8 as National Women’s History Week. In 1987, the United States designated March as Women’s History Month.

Since then, each United States President has issued an annual proclamation designating the month of March as Women’s History Month, recognizing all women’s great contributions in their local communities, the nation and the world.

I personally thank every woman that achieve great objectives and will continue to accomplish new heights. Never stop, Keep pursuing your dreams.

Shandale Terrell, Lakeland

Want to contribute?

Send letters to the editor to voice@theledger.com, or Voice of the People, P.O. Box 408, Lakeland, FL, 33802. Submit on the website at http://tinyurl.com/28hnh3xj, or go to TheLedger.com, click on the menu arrow at the top of the website and click Submit a Letter. Letters must be 200 words or less and meet standards of decency and taste.

This article originally appeared on The Ledger: Voice of the people (March 3, 2024): Who piled on more national deb t?