Voice of the People (March 17, 2024): Don't take from church to make Galloway Road safer

This option for the Galloway and Swindell Road corridor involves installing a roundabout at the southern Swindell-Galloway intersection and a traffic light at the northern intersection.
This option for the Galloway and Swindell Road corridor involves installing a roundabout at the southern Swindell-Galloway intersection and a traffic light at the northern intersection.

Don’t take from church to make Galloway Road safer

The headlines in The Ledger on Tuesday, Feb. 27, read “Polk Wants to make Galloway and Swindell Junctions Safer.”

The only problem is that some of the land that is needed is owned by New Home Baptist Church. And New Home Baptist Church has owned this land for over one hundred years. There has to be another solution.

The First Amendment guarantees freedoms concerning religion. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof or the right of the people to peacefully to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

I think this means that Polk County will need to find another way to make these intersections safer besides building this roundabout.

Dorothy Costine Sawyer, Lakeland

Voice of the people (March 10, 2024): Blurring the line between church and state

Alabama senator’s rebuttal on State of the Union

Anyone find it interesting that the Republican rebuttal on the State of the Union from Alabama Sen. Katie Britt, which included a gut-wrenching story about a girl being repeatedly raped in a room the size of a shoe box, comes from a state that would require that child to have the baby of her rapist?

Further, that her remedy would be to elect the only candidate found liable for the assault of a female, also in a room the size of a shoe box, and similarly accused by 19 other women?

Donna M. Rollins, Lakeland

Voice of the people (March 3, 2024): Who piled on more national debt?

Aid to Ukraine benefits US and allies

As the long-stable world order guaranteed by America and our allies through NATO and other treaties is shaken, we need to assess what is truly in our interests as a nation. We have strength in numbers.

The aggression of Vlad Putin in pursuit of ever-growing power is a serious threat to our allies, and thus to us. Those blocking our support of Ukraine fail to recognize the stakes, or the system.

Our military is strong only because we constantly upgrade the weaponry we wield. Our obsolete equipment can make all the difference in Europe. The money we “send” to Ukraine is actually being spent here, in our own economy, upgrading our own military.

We fail our allies only at our own great risk.

Robert Connors, Lake Wales

Voice of the People (Feb. 25, 2024): Maybe Congress should impeach itself

Reproductive regulation endangers women

So far, I have two granddaughters-in-law and two great granddaughters, as well as four granddaughters.

Any one of them could have polycystic ovary disease or choose IVF before starting chemotherapy so they can have a family. Any one of them could have an ectopic or molar pregnancy or go into pre-eclampsia and require an abortion before they become septic or die. Any one of them could have a fetus in distress and need the baby delivered early in an attempt to save the baby’s life. Several of them might have miscarriages like the woman in Ohio recently and have to prove to the sheriff that they did nothing to cause that miscarriage.

When I was having my children, way back before Roe, appropriate care for these problems would have been available to me (except IVF, of course). It seems the “Right-To-Life” movement doesn’t include pregnant women because modern medical care is becoming less and less accessible to my female descendants.

The forced birth, poorly written legislation being passed by various governmental bodies is detrimental to real people and is terribly ignorant and cruel.

Nancy M. Simmons, Winter Haven

Want to contribute?

Send letters to the editor to voice@theledger.com, or Voice of the People, P.O. Box 408, Lakeland, FL, 33802. Submit on the website at http://tinyurl.com/28hnh3xj, or go to TheLedger.com, click on the menu arrow at the top of the website and click Submit a Letter. Letters must be 200 words or less and meet standards of decency and taste.

This article originally appeared on The Ledger: Voice (March 17, 2024): Fix Galloway Road without taking church land