Sound Off for April 20, 2024

C’mon, Gautier

Gautier can build a amphitheater for more tax revenue, but can’t finish a 1-mile road in 10-plus years, or provide clean water after millions of dollars spent? Vote ‘em out now.

Our digital world

Being able to use the internet is wonderful in many ways, however, the risks of cyberattacks is a drawback. Electricity grids, medical information, financial information and personal information is at risk. We are dependent on things we know nothing about, or don’t understand. Be careful what you wish for in the interest of progress.


To compare loan forgiveness to tax cuts is totally illogical. Anyone who takes a loan of any type signs a legal document to pay it back. Taxes are money taken from your income at a rate determined by the government to satisfy its spending. No matter how many times you quote facts of highest earners paying the overwhelming majority of tax money, the left will regurgitate their bogus mantra of “the rich don’t pay taxes.” I am lower middle class, I received a sizable tax reduction with the Trump tax cuts. All taxpayers will pay for any student loan forgiveness. Even a young high school grad who took out a sizable loan to buy a truck and a lot of equipment to start a lawn business and is working their tail off to pay their bills, including that sizable loan to start their business. Free college for everyone? Waste of time. The overwhelming majority of jobs in this country do not require a college degree and many pay better than the jobs of some who got the college degree.

Student loans

So forgiving student loans is no different than rich people writing off expenses and not paying taxes? Well that’s just liberal nonsense.


Please get Cox Cable or another cable company in here. Why is it that we live in the Southeast and can’t get Atlanta Braves baseball games? We had Bally Sports and they decided to get rid of it, so we don’t get Americas Team, which is from the Southeast. They have no problem showing us the Big Ten network, but can’t show us the Braves. Tonight TBS, a regular channel, had the game scheduled, but Sparklight wouldn’t televise it. Maybe Sparklight should leave and get a cable company in here that cares about the Southeast and the people of Mississippi. Since Cable One sold out, it has gone to pot. Come on officials, get a decent cable company in here.

Note cards

I seriously doubt the person responding to the author of Note Cards has ever done any of the examples cited. I have and, yes, outlines are a part of addressing audiences, classrooms, and leaders speaking to employees, constituents, etc. The difference is these individuals know the topics and speak to their audience and keep eye contact with that audience. President Biden maintains direct contact with his notes, not his audience. By the way, it is offensive and shows absence of research abilities when any criticism of the current administration is met with the need to cite how terrible the previous administration was when the subject is the present administration.

To “Freedom”

Dear Freedom, Donald Trump said he would be a dictator on Day One to close the border and drill. If you would please listen to the entire context of his comments and not some edited version you would understand that he meant for that one day. Those are the priorities of those of us who will be voting for him in November.

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