What Arizona assisted living centers facilities had citations? See The Republic's comprehensive tool

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Our Arizona assisted living citations tool contains more than 3,500 Arizona Department of Health Services citations issued to all assisted living centers licensed to serve the most vulnerable residents in Arizona over the past three years.

It does not contain citations for assisted living homes — places that serve fewer than 11 people — or skilled nursing facilities, known as nursing homes. (If you want to check out skilled nursing citations, you can find those at this Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services page.)

Search by facility name or address to find each of their citations, and how frequently citations in that category come up statewide. If the facility you are searching for does not appear, it has had no citations over the past three years. (As long as what you’re looking for is an assisted living center and is licensed for “directed care.")

When state surveyors issue citations, they include the statute that was violated. We used those statutory codes to simplify what facilities got in trouble for. (You can find all of those codes here.) If you want to read about what specifically happened in a particular case, click on the “Inspection Date” column to find the full report. If anything in there confuses you, don’t hesitate to email us!

Senior care in Arizona: A guide for resources, Republic investigations

What you'll find in The Republic's citation tool

Facility ID: This is a unique identifier that the state issues to each facility’s license. If a facility has had more than one license, they will have more than one unique ID.

License status: This indicates whether the license, identified by the Facility ID, is active or inactive. You may see some facilities that have both closed and active licenses with citations assigned to each. In these cases, the facility is still open but changed licenses at some point. This does not invalidate citations that appear with a “closed” status. For example, the facility with the most citations, Heritage Village in Mesa, received most of its citations under its old “closed” licenses. The facility is still open and operated by the same private real estate firm that has overseen the place during the entire time these citations have occurred.

Name: This is the official name of each facility. Some facilities have multiple buildings and name them separately. If you start typing in the search bar, all of the possible building numbers associated with the main name should pop up.

Address: This is the address for the facility.

City: This is the city where the facility is located.

Inspection Date: This is the date that the state surveyor documented on each citation.

Rule: This is the rule that the surveyor referenced when citing each facility.

Description: This is our summary of the rule violation.

Frequency: This tells you how many other citations fall into the same category, and what percent of all 3,500-plus citations that represents. We created the categories with readability in mind after carefully reviewing each citation type.

We hope that this tool helps people research assisted living center options, understand what facilities are cited for and how typical each type of problem is.

Arizona senior living: Nursing home and assisted living citations

Source: Arizona Department of Health Services

This article originally appeared on Arizona Republic: Arizona assisted living: Find which sites were cited by the state