Notes from the Pastor: Reading the Bible

St. Paul's Methodist Church Pastor, Britton Fields shares The Most Controversial Thing In the World! What is the most controversial thing in the world? The Bible! 1. Hyperbole this is TV we don`t just mess around here on Living Well you only provide the best content 2. How do I know? The entire world has been or is in the process of being shaped by the Bible. Not always shaped in the same way, because there is not one common understanding of the Bible. You can see people across the world who live according to the teachings of the Bible, but they live in much different ways. 3. You don`t need to look to far to realize this. We have multiple denominations of churches, who profess a belief in Christ, but why is it we have all these denominations? It`s because we all believe we have the correct understanding of the Bible. 4. The Bible is controversial in the sense that we have fought about it since its inception and we continue to fight about it today. Transition: If you are a deeply religious person or you are a person that says you are spiritual but not religious or if you are a person that doesn`t practice faith but is interested in it, here are a few tips for you to read the Bible. TIPS FOR READING THE BIBLE 1. Read it as a story. unfolding story of God - we quote verses and try to understand what they mean/apply directly, but we don`t know how those verses fit in the context of the larger story 2. Look for the main themes. Active, Saving, Healing, Forgiveness, Grace LOVE! 3. Be comfortable with the mystery. look for easy answers, make the text say what we want. It`s ok to not know exactly what everything means. It`s wise to not know what everything means. 4. Stick with it. Question it, wrestle with it live your life in conversation with it (after you have an experience with God in the world, you may see the text in new way) SLIDES TIPS FOR READING THE BIBLE 1. Read it as a story. 2. Look for the main themes. 3. Be comfortable with the mystery. 4. Stick with it.