Most popular Ukrainian purchases amid blackouts resume – Rozetka

Cables and adapters sales surge - Rozetka
Cables and adapters sales surge - Rozetka

Demand for cables and adapters surged on Rozetka amid new blackouts, with residents of Kyiv, Dnipro, Odesa, and Lviv being the most active buyers, the company’s press service reported.

"Powerbanks became the sales leader in Dnipro and Kharkiv," Rozetka said.

"Washing detergents lost their second place to cables compared to March. More people bought headphones, perhaps because of traditional holiday [March 8 - ed.] gifts."

The average check in April increased by 11% compared to March. The total number of customers increased by 21%.

Epicenter showed a device that Ukrainians prefer to buy after the blackouts on May 16, it was reported earlier. The demand for charging stations increased more than eight times during mid-May period due to new blackouts.

Sales of power banks also increased significantly - by 3.5 times, moreover, the dramatic surge in their sales could be witnessed on May 17, increasing the demand for them tenfold.

Ukrainians actively bought lanterns, uninterruptible power supplies, batteries, and voltage relays as well. The demand for the corresponding goods suddenly increased by 5-9 times.

Read also: Clouds play havoc with Ukraine's energy system as Kyiv has enough for only 75% of the city on May 23

Epicenter network also recorded twice as many purchases of candles and inverters. Generators were bought less actively, on the contrary, as the growth in their sales was recorded only at the level of 50%.

Scheduled power outages continued throughout Ukraine on May 17.

Ukrenergo expressed hope on May 19 that warming will help avoid blackouts at night and in the morning.

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