Meet the candidates running for supervisor in redrawn Warren County District 1

Three candidates are competing to represent District 1 on the Warren County Board of Supervisors, which includes Cumming, parts of Norwalk, Martensdale, St. Marys and New Virginia.

Republicans Brian Arnold and Jacob Zuercher are running for their party's nomination in the June primary. The winner will face Democrat Mark Matlage in the November general election.

Supervisor districts were redrawn and approved in January. Incumbent Republican Mark Snell is running in District 2.

To help voters, the Des Moines Register sent questions to all federal, Des Moines area legislative and local candidates running for political office this year. Their answers have been lightly edited for length and clarity.

The primary election is scheduled for June 4 ahead of the Nov. 5 general election.

More: Early voting has started for Iowa's June 4 primary election. Here's what you should know:

Who is Brian Arnold?

Brian Arnold
Brian Arnold

Age: 49

Party: Republican

Where did you grow up: Omaha, Nebraska

Current town of residence: Norwalk

Education: Bachelor of Arts in business administration — real estate and land use economics

Occupation: Business owner/Consultant

Political experience and civic activities: Business owner/consultant

Who is Mark Matlage?

Mark Matlage
Mark Matlage

Age: 67

Party: Democrat

Current town of residence: St. Marys

Education: Martensdale-St Marys High School and Iowa State University grad

Occupation: Retired ag and commercial lender, Cattleman

Political experience and civic activities: 4-H leader; little league softball and baseball coach; Immaculate Conception CCD teacher; church finance committee; Warren County Youth Committee and Warren County Extension Council; Warren County Angus Association member

Who is Jacob Zuercher?

Candidate did not respond.

Why are you running?

Arnold: I am running for county supervisor to improve government and grow public trust through transparency and positive collaboration with the public and other agencies. I have nearly 25 years of experience in budgeting, finance, management, and planning and zoning. I look forward to putting these skills to work for the betterment of Warren County.

Matlage: The western edge of Warren County has never had a local voice on the supervisor board to my memory and I feel it is important to have representation from across our county. I have a lifetime of experience in helping people reach their financial and personal goals and this experience will help with the challenges that will face this rapidly growing county and its citizens.

What is the most important issue facing Warren County and how would you address it in office?

Arnold: Public safety and our secondary roads and bridges are the most important issues facing Warren County. I will make these my priority. I will provide innovative solutions and work diligently to create efficiencies across all county offices.

Matlage: In reviewing the county’s budget, I have seen time and time again where the current decision makers have failed to balance the county expenses to our income, which has led to short falls and then increased property taxes to its citizens with decreasing services in emergency services and safe and secure roads. We are growing but we must have growth with fiscal responsibility.

This article originally appeared on Des Moines Register: Meet the candidates running for supervisor in Warren County District 1