List: Nonstop flights from DIA that take more than 9 hours

List: Nonstop flights from DIA that take more than 9 hours

DENVER (KDVR) — On Thursday, Denver International Airport will announce a new airline that will host the airport’s longest nonstop flight.

DIA has nonstop flights across the nation, and several international flights to Asia, Canada, Central America and Europe as well as flights to the Caribbean and Mexico.

Right now, Tokyo is by far the longest nonstop flight.

How many countries can you fly to directly from Denver?

It takes 12 hours to get to Japan, and around nine hours to get to areas around Europe – but the lineup for the longest nonstop flights from the airport is about to change.

Longest nonstop flights from DIA

While the direct flight times can vary due to different circumstances, here are some of DIA’s longest nonstop flights based on Google Flight times and miles recorded from DIA.



Approximate nonstop flight time


Tokyo-Narita, Japan


12 hours


Zurich, Switzerland


9 hours 55 minutes


Munich, Germany


9 hours 45 minutes


Frankfurt, Germany


9 hours 35 minutes


Paris, France


9 hours 20 minutes


With DIA’s forthcoming announcement of a longer nonstop flight, this implies that it’s going to take longer than 12 hours to get to the destination.

The airport hasn’t given any direct hints, other than the flight being international. However, the airport also retweeted one person’s tweet on X, who speculated that the newest nonstop flight would be Ethiopian to Addis because Denver airport officials have talked about bringing service to Africa. But as of now, it’s all speculation.

The airport plans to announce the longest nonstop flight at DIA on Thursday at 10 a.m.

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