Letters to editor: Women must be free to decide; Campos displayed courage

Freedom for medical decisions

Since when do politicians, judges and now Justices of the Supreme Court make medical decisions regarding abortion care? It was bad enough when the above outlawed abortions for rape and incest victims, as well as for a woman’s personal decision.

Now, the above (mostly men), and none with medical degrees are arguing about how much bleeding should a woman endure, or how septic and how high a fever before a woman can get needed medical care. Or require a woman to carry a non-viable, or dead fetus that may prevent future pregnancies.

Women are suffering in hospital parking lots waiting to bleed more or become more septic before doctors can save their lives.

How evil and how dare these politicians and judges treat women so cruelly.

Have we become a third-world country or are we really the United States of America where all people are supposed to have freedoms over their medical decisions?

Judith A. Beay, Ventura

Campos showed courage

Re: your April 24 story, “Ventura councilmember wasn’t bullied, report says”:

Many Venturans must be surprised at the $7,649.49 cost of a sham investigation that excluded victim Liz Campos and her witnesses. The purchased report violated Campos’ civil rights and her substantial and procedural due process.

As with Councilman Mike Johnson, former acting City Manager Akbar Alikhan committed a pattern of Constitutional violations, double standards, Brown Act, whistle blower, city charter, municipal law, etc., violations.

The entire investigation reeks of retaliation. The above violations happened because Campos asked for her rights under the (Americans with Disabilities Act).

Nevertheless, Ventura continues to deny her access to the programs, of which she is an elected official.

I personally witnessed Alikhan harass and threaten her. What Alikhan couldn’t control was his victim’s courage denouncing him in a public city meeting and in a subsequent podcast.

Campos should be celebrated for her courage in a city where few make complaints about racism, sexism and ableism, for fear of retaliation. Even The Star, it appears, wants to discredit the best council person Ventura has.

Sadly, we live in a retaliatory “Bell city” like reality. Retaliation is happening repeatedly against both council persons, Campos and Johnson.

Philip Fields, Ventura

This article originally appeared on Ventura County Star: Letters: Women must be free to decide; Campos displayed courage