Letter to the editor: Heglund's case should be moved

Re: your April 28 story, “DA reviews exposure case against Ventura city attorney”:

Given the fact Erik Nasarenko and Matt LaVere were both on Ventura City Council when the recently removed City Attorney was hired as assistant, and the recent handing off of the investigation by the county Sheriff to District Attorney Nasarenko, it may be necessary for action that may be taken against our city attorney to be moved elsewhere, perhaps Santa Barbara County.

Any legal disposition of the case against the now former city attorney could cause mistrust by community members and victims, thereby affecting Mr. Nasarenko’s future reelection bid.

If I were in his shoes, I would relinquish jurisdiction in order to ensure that if charges are filed, Andy Heglund’s due process is upheld, or that if charges are dropped under the allegation there is lack of sufficient evidence to prosecute, Nasarenko’s integrity won’t be questioned.

Currently there exists a conflict of interest and/or appearance of conflict of interest between the named above parties, who worked together in the city of Ventura along with then-mayor LaVere.

A case dismissal alleging there is insufficient evidence to prosecute him, will thereby inflame the community against both Nasarenko and Lavere.

Sadly, the former Ventura attorney’s case could become for Nasarenko and LaVere what Willie Horton was for Michael Dukakis’ electoral defeat.

What will our local DA’s decision be, regarding Ventura former city attorney penal case? We will have to wait and see.

Abe Cantor, Ventura

This article originally appeared on Ventura County Star: Letter to the editor: Heglund's case should be moved