King Charles' Guard Horse Bites Woman Posing for Photo in Viral Video

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King Charles

One Buckingham Palace tourist got way more than she bargained for when she tried to pose for a photo with a member of the King's Guard.

In a video that's since gone viral, the woman approaches the horse from the side and places her hand on its side to pose for a photo. The horse gave her a moment to rethink her decision before swinging its head around and biting her chest, knocking her off balance and sending her stumbling into the wall.

It doesn't appear to have injured her, with its teeth seeming to grab hold of just her shawl, but it was undoubtedly a frightful experience before she gathered her composure and left the area.

Neither the identity of the woman nor the videographer is known, but it was taken from a YouTube channel called The Royal King's Guard England—an unaffiliated account dedicated to documenting the guard—and reuploaded to X by GB News broadcaster Darren Grimes, who, like many other viewers, couldn't help but laugh, as mounted on the wall on the opposite side of the horse is a sign warning, "BEWARE HORSES MAY KICK OR BITE!"

Those who didn't find the video particularly funny wanted to know "how hard [it is to] take some pics respectfully [and] move on," with one pointing out that "you see [things like this] over and over."

The human members of the guard, who are infamous for their stern expressions and frozen demeanors, have gone viral before for breaking character to chastise tourists for getting too close, such as when a woman grabbed the horse's reins, while the horses have bitten everything from a too-close-passerby's ponytail to a man's arm.

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