In need of a good laugh? Don't miss these corny 2024 Easter jokes

Are you looking for some fun ways to keep the young ones entertained on the upcoming holiday? Easter is coming up Sunday, March 31.

While Easter egg hunts, dyeing eggs and photos with the Easter Bunny are a fun time with the kids, what about the day of?

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Here are some jokes to keep the laughs and fun times going when spending time with the family this weekend:

Corny Easter Jokes 2024

Easter Jokes for Kids

According to Good Housekeeping, Tiny Beans and The Pioneer Woman, some fun Easter jokes for kids include:

Q: Why was the Easter Bunny hired for the job? A: He had the most eggs-perience.

Q: What does a bunny like to dance to? A: Hip-hop.

Q: What do you call a bunny with money? A: A millionhare.

Q: How does the Easter Bunny stay in shape? A: Eggs-ercise.

Q: What did the egg say when the Easter Bunny told a joke? A: You crack me up.

Q: Where did the vampire keep his Easter candy? A: In his Easter casket.

Q: What do you call a mischievous egg?A: A practical yolker.

Q: What's an Easter egg's least favorite day? A: Fry-day.

Q: Why did the baby chick cross the road? A: To meet up with her Peeps.

Easter Jokes for Adults

According to, additional jokes include:

Q: Where does the Easter Bunny study medicine? A: Johns Hopkins.

Q: What do you call a rabbit with fleas? A: Bugs Bunny.

Q: What did the Easter Bunny say to the carrot? A: Nice gnawing you.

Q: Why was the Easter Bunny arrested? A: For hare-assment.

Q: What do you call a line of rabbits jumping backward? A: A receding hare-line.

Q: What did the Easter Bunny do after its wedding? A: Went on a nice bunnymoon.

Q: What do you call a Transformer Bunny? A: Hop-timus Prime.

Easter Jokes for Seniors

Q: How does the Easter Bunny travel on vacation? A: On hare planes.

Q: Where did the Easter Bunny go for a new tail? A: To a retail store.

Q: What did the Easter egg ask for at the hair salon? A: A new dye-job.

Q: What game does the Easter Bunny like to play at the park? A: Hopscotch.

Q: Did you hear the one about the house infested with Easter eggs? A: It needed an eggs-terminator.

This article originally appeared on Louisville Courier Journal: Corny Easter Jokes 2024: Easter jokes for kids, adults, seniors