German president nostalgic about political discourse of years ago

Germany's President Frank-Walter Steinmeier waves in front of Villa Hammerschmidt, the official residence of the President in Bonn, during an open day. Thomas Banneyer/dpa
Germany's President Frank-Walter Steinmeier waves in front of Villa Hammerschmidt, the official residence of the President in Bonn, during an open day. Thomas Banneyer/dpa

German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, during a celebration marking 75 years of the country's Basic Law or constitution, appealed to the "calm composure" that characterized earlier political discourse.

In a speech on Saturday in Bonn, which was the capital of West Germany before it united with East Germany in 1990, Steinmeier said the "calm composure that emanated from Bonn ... was good for the country."

He made his comments at one of the many democracy celebrations taking place around the Germany to commemorate the Basic Law.

Steinmeier noted that there were also tough and extremely heated political disputes in those years before reunification.

"But," the president said, "despite all the factual and ideological antagonism, we were never enemies - and, especially in view of the division of Germany, we were always aware of one thing: wanting to preserve and protect this young democracy together."

He said that spirit is especially important in 2024, when the country faces several elections, including for the European Parliament on June 9.

"This spirit of unity among democrats in the midst of all disputes must be a lasting and ever new obligation for us. We now have a responsibility to demonstrate this unity."

In recent months there has been an increase in political violence against politicians across the spectrum, worrying politicians and voters alike.

Steinmeier also recalled the modesty of the Bonn Republic. The Villa Hammerschmidt - the official residence of the federal president - "with its almost dainty dimensions by international standards, has astonished many a guest - and not only from abroad."

But that was exactly what was intended, he said.

The Basic Law was drawn up and proclaimed by the Parliamentary Council 75 years ago.

Steinmeier called it "a masterpiece that has carried us through the ups and downs of post-war history."

Germany's President Frank-Walter Steinmeier gives a speech at Villa Hammerschmidt, the official residence of the President in Bonn, during an open day. Thomas Banneyer/dpa
Germany's President Frank-Walter Steinmeier gives a speech at Villa Hammerschmidt, the official residence of the President in Bonn, during an open day. Thomas Banneyer/dpa
Germany's President Frank-Walter Steinmeier gives a speech at Villa Hammerschmidt, the official residence of the President in Bonn, during an open day. Thomas Banneyer/dpa
Germany's President Frank-Walter Steinmeier gives a speech at Villa Hammerschmidt, the official residence of the President in Bonn, during an open day. Thomas Banneyer/dpa