Fresh police appeal over 1981 stab murder

Detectives have made a new appeal for help to solve the murder of man who was stabbed in public toilets in Bradford more than 40 years ago.

James "Jimmy" Adams, 46, was left with 22 stab wounds when he was attacked in the toilets on the junction of Carlisle Road at about 12:45 BST on 26 May 1981.

West Yorkshire Police said witnesses heard screams coming from the toilets before a man was seen running away.

Det Sgt Richard Ord said the focus remained on seeking justice for Mr Adams and his family "no matter how long ago".

Police said Mr Adams had left the New Beehive Inn in the city centre shortly after midnight and was followed along Carlisle Road by a man, believed to be the suspect.

Witnesses who saw the man fleeing after the attack confronted him before he threatened them with a knife and ran off.

Det Sgt, from West Yorkshire Police's major investigation team, said the force "never files or closes undetected serious offences until they are solved".

He said: "We are reviewing this case and hoping a re-appeal on the anniversary of the murder, it might jog people's memories.

"We appreciate it is a long time ago, but any information however small could be the line of inquiry that we need to identify this man."

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