Fowler commentary: Desperation defines the Democrats

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Here come the Ruskies, and here we go again. After spending four years and two impeachments, vilifying Donald Trump, trying to kick him out of office, the Democrats are resorting to their time-worn methods to stop Trump from destroying their plan to turn America into a Communist nation. By some miracle, they have found once again a Trump connection to the Russians. At the same time, they are pursuing Trump’s connection to a call girl in an attempt to discredit him and claim that he is unfit for office. Even though the latter has been run through the ringer a number of times, they still seem to think they can find a hook to hang Trump on.

Speaking of Democrat hypocrisy of which a large volume could be filled, we witness the ludicrous accusation that the Republicans should be going about the nation’s business, passing legislation (no doubt to help the Democrats) to fulfill the purpose for which they were elected instead of trying to impeach Joe Biden and put his son in jail. I didn’t hear such talk when Trump was in office and they wasted four years trying to put Trump in jail as little legislation was passed for the benefit of the nation. Oh well! The shoe is now on the other foot. (Pardon my cliché).


You would think, however, that the Dems could find something more original than the methods they continue to use. Their lack of imagination highlights their lack of intellectual agility. Anyway, in the event that the Dems take back the House and Trump is president, I suppose we will have to put up with more blabber-mouthed nonsense until the 2028 election. If Trump wins and if the Dems have the House, we’ll have to bear another four years of Nancy Pelosi type impeachments. In case you don’t know, a Nancy Pelosi type of impeachment is one in which one person makes up all the rules. Such a prospect is reason enough to return the House to the Republicans. And, as a bonus, if we want the government to function smoothly once more, the Republicans must take over the Senate and the White House.

Further thought concerning the Dems shabby methods of attempted “Put Trump in jail” efforts recognizes another scheme that the Dems have come up with to get rid of Trump, i.e, 91 criminal charges and 4 indictments. My my! The likelihood that all will be thrown out of court when the cases get to the Supreme Court will reveal another frantic move by the Dems that doesn’t work. Why are they so determined to get rid of Trump by whatever illegal methods possible? Because if Trump once again becomes president, their house of cards will come tumbling down with many guilty of the charges brought against the former president.

I am not naïve. Both parties have liars, cheats, and all-around scoundrels. But it seems that the Dems own the greatest number of the forementioned. I’ve yet to hear an honest word from any member of the Democrat elected officials in Washington D.C. since they have controlled the government, the greatest number of lies coming from Joe Biden.

Barack Obama was a master of the half-truth, delivered with such sincerity that he could have been a Hollywood actor. Joe Biden is incapable of such subtlety. His greatest claim to fame aside to that of being President is that of being a narrator of “Corn Pop,” who appears to have been a “bad dude” from Biden’s past, a dude who threatened to use a razor on lifeguard Joe for throwing him out of a swimming pool. Happily, they seem to have reconciled their differences, much to Joe’s relief, I assume.

Despite the frailty and mental incapacity of our present President, the Democrats continue to trumpet the lie that Joe Biden is still capable of carrying out his presidential duties.

First of all, Biden was never capable of performing presidential duties, having been propped up by previous Obama advisors. I know, here come the “there is no proof of that.” The only proof one needs is common sense. If not Obama’s advisors, then who? The dumbest member of the Senate as he was known when he was a senator didn’t receive any smarts by being elected to the Office of the President. Any smarts he may have had perceptually deteriorated during the last three years. Stumbling, mumbling (many times mumbling nonsense), embarrassingly misnaming present leaders of other countries with the names of dead people—what more evidence does one need that Biden is incompetent? The convoluted arguments by the Democrats as they try to hide Biden’s incompetence are ludicrous. They should heed this wise saying by Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce: “It does not require many words to speak the truth.”

Carl Fowler is a retired professor of English at Amarillo College and lives in Amarillo.

This article originally appeared on Amarillo Globe-News: Fowler commentary: Desperation defines the Democrats