David Attenborough fans react to 'battle no one was expecting' in Mammals

Packs of dogs were documented intimidating massive sea lions back into the water.

Mammals,07-04-2024,The New Wild,2 - The New Wild,A domestic dog in Chile tries to force a huge, male sealion back into the ocean ,BBC Studios,Screen Grab
Sir David Attenborough's new series Mammals documented an unexpected battle between dogs and sea lions. (BBC Studios)
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What did you miss?

David Attenborough's latest nature docuseries Mammals aired its second episode on BBC One this evening (7 April), with cameras traversing 'The New Wild'.

The film opened with audacious sea lions helping themselves to some easy meals at Chilean fish markets, but their tranquility was quickly challenged by the local stray dogs that patrol the beaches.

In this surprising footage, the packs of dogs (Chile has approximately 2 million strays, according to Attenborough) drove these humongous aquatic mammals back into the waves by sheer relentless intimidation.

Mammals,07-04-2024,The New Wild,2 - The New Wild,South American Sealions compete for space with dogs on Chilean beaches,BBC Studios,Screen Grab
It was an odd sight to see these two species going hell for leather at each other. (BBC Studios)

What, how and why?

With the oceans being progressively overfished, narrator Attenborough informed viewers that the sea lions were on land in search of new hunger-quenching avenues.

After they'd had their fill of the fishermen's catch, the animals crowded together on the beach. Usually on the lookout for underwater predators such as sharks and killer whales, the sea lions were then bizarrely confronted by barking dogs in their faces. With most of the sea lions being triple their size, it was a fascinating fight to watch unfold, but the aggressive canines were too quick and frankly too mean to let the sea lions relax in their territory.

Having had chunks taken out of them by the stray dogs, the sea lions retreated into the sea. All was not lost, though, as the fish market leftovers get cast back into the water from the end of a pier, straight into the mammals' gaping gobs.

Mammals,07-04-2024,The New Wild,2 - The New Wild,Bold South American sealions, wait to be given fish at the markets in Chile,BBC Studios,Screen Grab
Chilean fishermen are happy to feed the hungry mammals. (BBC Studios)

What did social media users think about it?

Over on social media site X (formerly Twitter), Attenborough fans couldn't quite wrap their heads around sea lions being attacked by Man's Best Friend completely unprovoked. One individual went on to label it "a battle no one was expecting".

Mammals continues next Sunday (14 April) on BBC One at 7pm.

Read more:

Watch: Sir David Attenborough earned over '£7,000 a minute' for his latest shows