BPD confirms KCSO senior deputy found dead from self-inflicted gunshot wounds

The reason for Tuesday's extraordinary police response to a dirt lot in Shafter became clearer Wednesday with official confirmation that a senior deputy within the Kern County Sheriff's Office had been found dead from a self-inflicted gunshot.

A morning news release from the Bakersfield Police Department said the deputy, whose name has not been released, was found by the KCSO at about 2:40 p.m. Tuesday north of 7th Standard Road.

KCSO Public Information Officer Lori Meza said that, because of an ongoing investigation by the Bakersfield Police Department, the Sheriff’s Office does not have any comment on the death of one of its deputies.

The BPD’s public information officer, Eric Celedon, said the KCSO is upset at having lost one of its own and will work hard to honor his memory. He said the Police Department has spoken with the deputy’s wife and she was understandably upset but grateful for the support she has received.

According to Wednesday's news release, sheriff’s deputies arrived first at the scene in the 33300 block of 7th Standard. They then called the BPD to request it handle the investigation after having determined the man who died was a deputy.

The BPD later discovered the incident was in Shafter and got approval from Shafter police to proceed with an investigation.

Several dozen KCSO and BPD vehicles parked on the side of 7th Standard Road west of Gossamer Grove Boulevard Tuesday afternoon, waiting to transfer the man’s body to the coroner’s office in an unmarked minivan. The trip was made with a procession of KCSO patrol vehicles led by two motorcycles.