Blue plaque nominations open to the public

Nominations have been opened for the public to suggest suitable recipients for a blue plaque honour.

The national scheme celebrates people throughout history who made an important and positive contribution to human welfare or happiness.

Historic England said the invitation for nominations would help "more people celebrate their heritage."

Duncan Wilson, the organisation's chief executive, said the plaques capture the "lasting connection" between people and places: "The actual places where this history happens are special, but not always well known."

To mark the opening of nominations, a plaque is being unveiled on Friday at the former childhood home in Liverpool of songwriter, humanitarian and former former Beatle George Harrison.

Many areas have have blue plaque schemes that are run by civic societies, local government or history groups.

The national scheme was announced in September 2023 by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport.

Significant contribution

The scheme aims to help those in areas with no plaque scheme to recognise historic figures by opening nominations to the public.

The criteria for public nominations for someone for a plaque include:

*At least 20 years must have passed since the candidate’s death

*They must have made a significant contribution to human welfare or happiness

*At least one building associated with the figure must survive in a form that the commemorated person would have recognised, and it must be visible from a public highway

Under the national scheme blue plaques have been unveiled to midwife Daphne Steele and pottery designer Clarice Cliff.

Nominations are open until 19 July.

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