Back in Time, April 20

Apr. 20—Brick manufacturing in Mitchell began shortly after the founding of the city. The first account was noted in the 1880 edition of Industries of Mitchell under "Brick Manufactory." A gentleman by the name of Spears found clay "equal to the best in the East." He located his brick factory one and one-half miles east of Mitchell near the Jim River. He built six kilns which could produce 100,000 to 150,000 bricks each. His bricks were used to build the Hitchcock Block, Bourne Block, Lecher Building and many other prominent structures of the day.

By 1898 the Isaac Spears Brickyard was located at 909 N. Main St. Mr. Spears was also involved in the ice business and later that of moving houses and grain elevators. By 1902, James Spears, Isaac's brother, was listed as the brick manufacturer located at 905 N. Main St. By 1911, there was no longer a listing for the Spears Brickyard and James Spears had retired.