'Beauty and the Beast' Star Luke Evans Reveals His Gaston Workout Regime and Sings His Favorite Line

As Belle’s would-be suitor Gaston in Beauty and the Beast, Luke Evans gives the “boorish, brainless” villain a substantial dose of charm, not to mention a fantastic singing voice. But as Evans revealed to Yahoo Movies, he was initially insecure about his ability to embody the iconic Disney character.

“When I got the job, I was a little worried. … I’m not a small guy. I’m big, 6-foot, and I train, but I’m never going to look like this creature [in the animated film],” Evans told Yahoo Movies. “If there was someone who looked like him, he would be Mr. Universe!”

What Evans realized is that he didn’t need a neck as incredibly thick as Gaston’s; he just had to act like the biggest guy in the village, and the size came out in his performance. And while he didn’t eat five dozen eggs onscreen or show off the hair on his chest, like the animated character, Evans did get to belt out a few of the film’s greatest musical moments — including his favorite Gaston line. To find out what it is, watch the video above. Or check out our full Facebook Live chat with Evans. Beauty and the Beast hits theaters on Friday.

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