IKEA Turns Kids’ Drawings Into Adorable Toys You Can Buy

IKEA’s new limited-edition lineup of soft, squishy, and kinda wacky toys was designed for kids by kids, as part of the chain’s annual fundraiser for UNICEF and Save the Children.

And when you see the sweet children’s drawings that inspired the toys, your heart might go a bit soft and squishy too.

In a nutshell, IKEA invited all its customers’ children to design the soft toy of their dreams. Then it chose 10 winners, which we’ve highlighted here. The winning entries were re-created in detail as stuffed toys, and for each one purchased, IKEA donates approximately $1.11 (one euro) to Save the Children and UNICEF. This is the 13th year that this good cause partnership has been in effect, and since launching the charity effort in 2003, the retailer has donated more than $90 million to global children’s causes. To learn more, check out IKEA’s ridiculously cute YouTube video or take a look at its informational page here.

The toys will be available starting Nov. 9 through Jan. 3, 2016.

Stocking stuffers that double as a good deed? Done and done.

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