These 19 Prank Wrapping Papers Are Somewhat Offensive, Also Very Funny

There’s always a person you don’t really want to buy a gift for, but you do anyway. (Awww, you’re nice like that!) Or maybe you’ve just got someone you’re dying to play an amazing practical joke on.

This is how to wrap that present.

Inspired by Twitter’s trending hashtag #badwrappingpaperprints — which has resulted in some of the crudest/weirdest/most hilarious gift wrapping ideas we’ve ever seen, like using jury duty notices, old Subway sandwich wrappers, awkward teenage yearbook pictures, or Donald Trump’s ruddy mug for the lucky giftee — we’ve put together our own list.

Some of these you can buy. Some you can DIY. And some will just make you burst out laughing.

’Cause we’ve seen, loved, and DIYed a zillion-plus good-looking gift-wrapping ideas, so every once in a while, it’s just deeply satisfying to see some that are just a little bit averse to the whole holiday spirit thing.

You’re welcome.

Also on Yahoo Makers:

Here’s How to Wrap That Odd-Shaped Gift

10 Creative Ways to Wrap Holiday Gifts

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