YouTuber Takes On Massive Ski Jumps At The Swatch Nines

In the past couple of years, ski YouTuber SteepSteep has utterly and completely blown up, going from a niche creator to a household name amongst skiing's younger members.

His rise in popularity had led to more than a few incredible opportunities—the latest of which was attending and hitting the jumps at the Swatch Nines.

I won't come out and say that SteepSteep is an "average" skier. Compared to the general population, he's an absolute ripper with plenty of tricks in his bag.

Still, he functions as a great surrogate for his audience in videos like this. Unlike the Swatch Nines invitees, he's not a professional athlete and hasn't hit countless superpark-style features. So, in a way, we're all along for the ride with SteepSteep as he hangs with skiing's best. His knack for commentary cranks the viewing experience up a notch, too.

While the Swatch Nines has wrapped up—it happened earlier this month—plenty of content from the unique event will surely trickle out over the coming weeks. Stay tuned to the Swatch Nines socials right here.

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