Wyoming Ski Area Offering Free Season Passes For Kids Under 18

Skiing is an inherently expensive sport, but there are plenty of places scattered across the country where affordable lift tickets and season passes can be found.

In a shocking move, Antelope Butte Ski Area in Dayton, WY announced today, April 3rd, that season passes for next season will be free to all children aged 18 years and younger.

Antelope Butte Ski Area<p>FACEBOOK/Antelope Butte</p>
Antelope Butte Ski Area

FACEBOOK/Antelope Butte

Antelope Butte GM John Devivo provided the following explanation:

“To better support our mission, we have decided to make skiing more accessible and free for anyone under 18 in the country,”

“With this ground-breaking offer, we can open up access to thousands of kids who would not otherwise be able to experience skiing and riding."

There are no caveats or special loopholes to jump through in order to secure a free season pass for children. It's come one, come all when Antelope Butte begins to sell passes for next season on Friday, April 5th, 2024.

Kids aren't usually capable of visiting a ski area by themself, but Antelope Butte isn't trying to break the bank accounts of their parents. Adult season passes start at just $299, and will eventually raise to $499 on October 1st.

Antelope Butte closed in 2004, but was eventually brought back to life fueled by a community effort in 2018. Since, the ski area has kept to its promise of being a community-first ski area that isn't looking to drive profits.

Kudos to management and everybody else involved in offering free season passes to kids. It's moments like this that remind us that the vibe is still very much alive.

Antelope Butte trail map
Antelope Butte trail map

Antelope Butte Stats/Info:

Vertical: 1,000 ft.

Skiable Terrain: 500 ac.

Average Snowfall: N/A

Lifts: 3

Trails: 30

Snowmaking: NO

Night Skiing: NO

Snowmaking: N/A

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