Wildlife Photographer Shares Breathtaking Photos of a Raven During a Snowstorm

We're in the middle of winter, and for many of us, there's snow everywhere. I'm not a fan of the snow or the cold and dreary winter, but I can admit that photos of animals in the snow always make me swoon. @Isaac Spotts is a wildlife photographer and one of my favorite TikTokers. His photos are absolutely incredible, and these photos he shared on Wednesday, January 10th of a raven in a snowstorm might be my all-time favorites of his.

The video isn't long - it's about 30 seconds - but shows us several pictures that he took of the raven. I think why I love them so much is that we see this jet-black bird in the middle of all white. They're just beautiful images!

Aren't these photos absolutely stunning? I've never thought of a raven as a "pretty" bird, but seeing this one against all that white, pure snow and the close ups of it made me change my mind! They also make me want to grab my camera and run out to try to photograph the birds in my backyard! I wasn't the only one who was captivated by @Issac's video. It quickly went viral, and has nearly 15 million views, 2.6 million likes, and more than 27 thousand comments! Commenter @Ashley Sider-Amora got almost 40 thousand likes for her comment, "That’s the most Jon Snow looking bird I’ve ever seen" and @Waldo agreed, "Game of Thrones vibes with this music." I couldn't help but laugh at @yourboyTPOO's comment, "I don't even watch Game of Thrones, but his name is Jon Snow". And another commenter got almost 30 thousand likes for quoting Edgar Allen Poe, ""Winter is knocking...only this, and nothing more...quote the raven....Nevermore...".

Related: Brilliant Raven Playing with a 'Shape-Sorting' Toy Has People Impressed

Differences Between Ravens and Crows

I'll be honest and admit that when the video first started, I thought the bird was a crow, not a raven. So I thought I'd share some of the differences between the two since they look so much alike.

I did know that both ravens and crows are extremely smart birds, but that's about all I knew. Turns out one of the biggest differences is that ravens are much larger than crows. Other differences include that ravens have larger bodies and wingspans. Ravens' beaks (bills) are curved, different than the flat one that a crow has. And crows' feathers are completely smooth, while a raven's feathers around its throat and breast are bushier. Crows also have a higher caw than ravens do.

Another key difference, which I thought was the most interesting, is that ravens tend to travel in pairs while crows travel in large groups. After learning this I realized that the "crows" I see around my neighborhood are actually ravens! I had no idea, but I will be on the lookout for them more often now...ravens seem so much more majestic than the crows I thought were all over the neighborhood!

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