Why Dogs Lick Their Owners and Why It’s So Important

As a dog owner, you've probably encountered a lot of kisses from your fur baby. There are various reasons why dogs lick their owners, and it serves multiple purposes in their communication and social behavior.

The owner of Monty the Maltese explains in this video, posted on November 26, why dogs lick their owners and why it's important to let them. Let's find out more!

This makes so much sense now.

Related: Purpose Behind Dogs Licking Their Owners Before Going to Sleep Is Precious

Nothing is sweeter than getting some kisses from your fur baby.

Why Do Dogs Lick Their Owners?

Licking is a natural way for dogs to show affection and strengthen their bond with their owners. It releases endorphins, promoting a sense of comfort and security for both the dog and the owner.

Dogs use licking as a form of communication. That being said, puppies often lick their mothers and littermates to solicit attention or show submission, and adult dogs carry this behavior into their interactions with humans.

Before You Get Irritated With Your Dog Licking You, Know This

Licking can also be a self-soothing behavior for dogs. When they feel stressed or anxious, licking may help them relax and cope with their emotions. Similarly, licking an owner can have a calming effect on the dog. So when your dog licks you, it releases hormones that soothe and relax them.

In addition, dogs have a natural grooming instinct inherited from their wild ancestors. In other words, licking helps keep themselves and their packmates clean. So when dogs lick their owners, they may be expressing their desire to groom and care for them.

Dogs may also lick their owners as a way of seeking attention. If they receive positive reinforcement or attention when they lick, they may continue the behavior as a means of getting the desired response.

Licking Is a Way to Gather Information

Just like sniffing, licking is a way for dogs to communicate by gatering information since dogs have an acute sense of taste and smell.

Licking their owners allows them to taste and smell the various scents on the skin, clothing, and hair. This helps them gather information about their environment and the people around them.

To Summarize

However, while licking is a natural behavior, it's essential for owners to observe the context in which their dogs engage in licking. Excessive licking, such as their paws, or sudden changes in licking behavior may indicate underlying health issues or stress.

If you have concerns about your dog's behavior, it's advisable to consult with a veterinarian to pinpoint the cause.

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