Golden Retriever’s Unbreakable Bond With Baby Is One for the Record Books

One of the most popular dogs all around the globe is none other than the Golden Retriever, and for good reason. Due to their friendly and gentle nature, they're often considered to be the perfect family dog, including around babies.

As you can see in this video, posted on September 10 by TikToker @doctor4yu, of their Golden Retriever Beau with their baby, Golden Retrievers make great nanny dogs.

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This is no surprise, as Golden Retrievers are known for their friendly and sociable temperament. They are generally gentle, patient, and affectionate dogs, which can make them well-suited for households with young children, including babies, as we can see in this video.

Look how gently he is giving the baby kisses and watching him, like a "nanny dog" would.

Although Golden Retrievers have a playful nature, they are typically good at adjusting their energy level to match that of the baby. Beau is so calm around his baby brother and always checks on him to make sure he's alright.

Similar to pit bulls, which also make great family dogs.

Golden Retrievers also often have a high tolerance for being touched and handled, which is beneficial when a curious baby wants to explore and interact with the dog.

These two are best buddies for life.

However, it's crucial to always supervise these interactions to ensure the safety of both the baby and the dog.

This applies to any breed of dog.

Proper socialization from a young age is essential for any dog breed, including Golden Retrievers, to ensure they are comfortable and well-behaved around babies and other people. That being said, early exposure to different situations, people, and environments can help develop their social skills.

While Golden Retrievers are generally good around babies, it's crucial to watch for signs of stress, anxiety, or discomfort in the dog and always supervise their interactions to ensure the safety of both the baby and the dog.

That's why it's so important to never leave a dog and a baby alone together, even if the dog has a history of being well-behaved around children. Babies can be unpredictable, and it's essential to prioritize safety.

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