Pit Bull in Italy Has Most Heartwarming Reaction To Meeting New Member of the Family

Although pit bulls might have a controversial reputation, they're known to be great guard dogs, great family dogs, and wonderful with children.

Meet Mino of the TikTok account MASSI e MINO, who's a pit bull living in Italy and who just met the newest family member, his human sibling Sophie. And his reaction is everything, which was posted in a heartwarming video on September 6. Let's see how he reacts to the news!

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Mino is the sweetest!

He's such a gentle giant!

Many pit bulls are naturally gentle and protective and can show a sweet and caring disposition towards a new member of the family, in this case, a newborn, by being cautious and gentle when they are near the baby.

They're called "nanny dogs" for a reason!

Look at how excited he is to meet his human sister! He carefully sniffs her and gives her gentle licks. His parents did a great job preparing him and socializing him before Sophie was born, as you can see in the other videos.

Pit bulls, like many other dog breeds, can have a variety of reactions when a new human sibling is introduced to the family. The sweetness of their reaction often depends on their individual temperament, socialization, training, and the way they are introduced to the new addition to the family.

However, it's important to remember that every dog is an individual, and their reactions may vary. Regardless of their initial reaction, it's crucial for parents to ensure the safety of both the baby and the dog.

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