Fake eclipse glasses abound. How and where to buy right solar eclipse glasses

The solar eclipse coming April 8 has caused a flurry of excitement throughout the nation, even in places like Mississippi that aren't in the path of totality.

While the full eclipse will not be visible in Mississippi, you still need to make sure you get the right glasses to if you plan on viewing the event. Solar eclipse glasses prevent damage to the eyes while looking at the sun during an eclipse.

Eclipse in MS? April 8's solar eclipse What's the path & what it will look like in Mississippi

Make sure you get the right glasses

Everyone knows not to look directly at the sun, but what about during an eclipse?

You can look at an eclipse, but you need special glasses to avoid damaging your retinas. Regular sunglasses won't cut it.

The term "International Organization for Standardization," or "ISO," marks products that have been proven to meet high, carefully examined international standards.

The United States does not require products, including solar eclipse glasses, to meet ISO standards. So, glasses that fail these standards are not illegal, but it is still inadvisable to buy them.

But, how do you know if the glasses in your online shopping cart meet ISO standards?

The American Astronomical Society recommends avoiding cheap glasses from online retailers like Amazon, eBay or Temu.

Instead, buy from a company that manufactures their own solar filter films.

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Where to buy solar eclipse glasses

The American Astronomical Society has a list of recommended manufacturers on their website. All of the listed companies are North American, a nod to the fact that the April eclipse is going to appear almost exclusively in North America.

Some of these manufacturers include:

  • American Paper Optics

  • Rainbow Symphony

  • American PaperWear

  • Grafix Plastics (wholesale only)

  • Halo Eclipse Spectacles

  • Celestial Optical

  • Thousand Oaks Optical

  • Seymour Solar

  • Flip'n Shades

  • DayStar Filters

If you do opt to get your glasses on Amazon, look at the manufacturer name before you hit order. If the name is included on the above list, you can feel safe knowing the glasses will protect your eyes from the sun's rays.

Got a news tip? Contact Mary Boyte at mboyte@jackson.gannett.com

This article originally appeared on Mississippi Clarion Ledger: Fake eclipse glasses abound. Where to buy right eclipse glasses