Your Weekly Work Horoscope for The Week of April 22, 2024

Your Weekly Work Horoscope for The Week of April 22, 2024. Discover your Weekly Work Horoscope for each zodiac sign here.


It can be difficult to draft a new document out of nothing, but that's what writing is: putting words on a page where words didn't previously exist. Once you start it'll come easily. On Tuesday and Wednesday, just about anything that can go wrong will. It might be something small like spilled coffee or something big like a deal falling through. Either way, chalk it up to life experience. On Thursday and Friday, your life experiences are far more rewarding and adventurous. You may end the week with a whole new way of looking at things. You ponder career matters this weekend.


You do it without even noticing it. You're on the phone with a business contact, or maybe you're just leaning back and thinking about something when you realize your shoes are on your desk. How casual! How chic! Or are you just lazy? Several times this week, especially on Tuesday and Wednesday, you're going to catch yourself and wonder if you're in a magazine spread set in an office. On Thursday, somewhat disconcerted by appearances, you go for a different look altogether, and get quite a response. On Friday, work requires a philosophical approach. The approach should be one of total openness.


The sun is a source of energy today, an inspiring, empowering presence in the sky. But at a certain point, it can get to be too much. That's what your Monday is like too. You love that there's all this stuff to do, but there's just so much stuff to do! On Tuesday and Wednesday, you require a lot of help. Ask around until you find it. On Thursday, you and someone else agree to be partners, equals, in fact, in this venture. (And this is someone who never thought they'd be helping you for the long haul.) Two heads are better...and all that. Friday is a great day. Deep and clear and good. Like the ocean.


A new project is not the answer on Monday. Things are not going smoothly in the office at the start of the week. The cranky people are setting the dynamic. On Tuesday, an upheaval of some kind (perhaps a staff transition) is going down. On Wednesday, everyone is rubbing their eyes and feeling funny, including you. It's very important that you do something for yourself on Thursday, maybe even stay home if you can swing it. The flow of energy is erratic at best on Friday. Find a way to motivate yourself. In addition to more time for your own pursuits, the weekend offers rest.


Monday is spectacular. Coworkers are picking flowers and bringing them to you just because. A long-lost friend has tracked you down and left you a voicemail. Your new work shoes are a hit. It's only logical that on Tuesday and Wednesday you turn a bit self-centered. You're so predictable! Your ego is the driving force midweek, but on Thursday you're humbled by someone who makes you weak in the knees, either a significant other or a new romantic interest. An upsurge in your love life means you bring more energy to your office life. On Friday, you're glowing so brightly that others can hardly look at you.

Prepare yourself to take on each month with your personalized Monthly Horoscope!


You and a business partner are inseparable on Monday, largely because you're about to throw a lot of money behind something and you can't stop talking about it. On Tuesday and Wednesday, when you tell someone about your project, they might not have the same view about it that you do, which may be frustrating. But this devil's advocate can also provide some valuable points you should think about. On Thursday and Friday, take a risk. If you've been sweating over closing the deal, it's time to take the plunge. Overcome tension by cracking a joke. And when all is said and done, go out and get a milk shake.


You have an eye for aesthetics on Monday. Someone may tell a joke when they walk into your office and see you rearranging the furniture, but just ignore them. The way things look is important, and impressions are important. On Tuesday and Wednesday, you're thinking about your office furniture more than ever, and about your clothes, your car, your house. Just about anything tangible and worth something weighs on you at this time. On Thursday and Friday, try to figure out why you're suddenly feeling this anxiety about material possessions. Talk it over with a colleague you consider a friend. You're on to something.


Someone asks you a question on Monday, and although the answer seems obvious (because it is), you hesitate before replying. Where does this weird doubt come from? It's a peculiar brand of indecision. You somehow can't decide how to answer. This may be interpreted by others as an alluring elusiveness. That's not your intention, but strangely enough, by midweek, you realize that coworkers are hanging on your every word. On Thursday and Friday, you're more interested in other people's ideas than your own, but don't leave your intuition in the dust. It may be right.


You're plugged in on Monday and it feels good. The only disadvantage to laughing so much is that when doubled over in hysterics, your clothes wrinkle a little. If only every day could be like Monday! But they can't, as Tuesday and Wednesday (slow, out-of-focus days) demonstrate. Your imagination is going nuts, but you have a hard time translating that cerebral energy into anything practical. On Thursday and Friday, you somehow find a perfect balance. You're among people you love who make you laugh and doing the kind of work you love to do. Magic.


All the horses are lined up, and on Monday morning, the gate lifts. And they're off! This is a good way to think about the projects you're setting into motion. It's hard to tell which of them is going to take priority in the next few days, but you'll have a better idea soon. You spend Tuesday and Wednesday considering the details and deciphering the big picture from the small picture. Thursday requires discipline more than anything else, as well as a healthy dose of perseverance. On Friday, you may irrationally think that nothing is going well. Relax.Things are just dandy.


Your mind is in overdrive on Monday. Someone is challenging you in a way you're rarely challenged, and although you feel a bit intimidated, you also feel inspired to greatness. On Tuesday and Wednesday, you feel pangs of confusion over what kind of greatness you're after, exactly, and the anxiety of not knowing threatens to get to you. However, Thursday's social interactions alleviate all of that. Your friends remind you of who you are. Friday is a big, light day. It's a hot-air-balloon of a day. But it leaves you zonked. Sleep in on Saturday.


People are flexible these days. It's also high time you made a few changes. Out with the old, in with the new! You see an unexplored path before you on Monday, and you're going to stick to it. On Tuesday and Wednesday, you wish you were as confident about your direction. The path still seems right, but there are so many hills, so many dips and rises, that it can be hard to see very far into the future. On Thursday, trust yourself. You may stray, but you have your phone with you and enough instinctive resources to find your way back. Friday is a lucky day.

What do the planets say about your love life? Receive cosmic advice with your Daily Love Horoscope.