Your Weekly Horoscope Predicts Shock, Surprises and Secrets—Here’s Why

Your horoscope for the week of June 12 to 18 is setting the stage for a summer of unexpected plot twists and adventure. There are several key transits to keep an eye out for this month; and trust us, you’ll need all the energy you can muster to make it to the weekend. Luckily, there are also a few bright spots in the Astro forecast that will help keep your spirits high.

The week starts out with a retrograde Pluto re-entering the sign of Capricorn on the same day Mercury moves into Gemini on June 11. This shift in the stars could cause some explosive information to bubble to the surface–and it might be difficult to keep yourself from gossiping about what you know. Be mindful of who you share your secrets with.

The Moon will connect with Mars and Venus on June 14 to give you the chance to get curious about what lights your fire. When these three planets come together, it’s almost impossible to keep ourselves from expressing how we feel. This energetic alignment may also have you feeling sentimental about a past version of yourself.

And finally, the weekend might have you feeling like you’re entering another dimension thanks to a New Moon in Gemini and Saturn stationing retrograde Pisces on June 17. When Saturn, the planet of structure and routine, goes retrograde–it can feel like all of the boundaries holding us back have suddenly disappeared.

Find your weekly horoscope below. For the most accurate reading, we recommend reading the horoscopes for your sun and rising sign.

Aries (March 20-April 19)



Aries are known for impulsivity, and this week you’ll want to be extra careful to think before you act. Ask yourself if where you’re at right now is where you want to be. It may feel tempting to say what’s on your mind when Mercury moves into Gemini—but it’s best to wait until you have all the information. Don’t allow yourself to be pressured into making decisions that you might regret later. Instead, focus on the big picture and ask yourself how what you’re doing today benefits your dreams tomorrow.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)



Your patience is being tested this week, Taurus. You’re known for being the cool, calm, and collected one of all the zodiac signs, but even you might feel a bit hot under the collar when the Moon in Taurus squares off with Mars and Venus this week. Outside forces and situations beyond your control could push you to your breaking point this week. So, it would be beneficial to make time for mindfulness, meditation, and journaling this week to help clear your mind.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)



Hold on tight, Gemini—this week is going to be a busy one for you. You can expect a boost of motivation and mental energy when Mercury cruises into your sign at the start of the week. For the next month, things will feel like they’re moving faster than usual. The good news is that the New Moon in Gemini on June 17 will give you a chance to clear away the clutter in your life so that you can start this next journey with a clean slate.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)



You’re feeling like you need a break this week, Cancer. With Pluto retrograde moving into Capricorn, expect a lot of additional obligations to be added to your life this week. The cosmic energy wants you to slow down and take special care of your physical and mental health. Try being more selective about what you focus your time and attention on over the next few days. You’ll be happy you took things slowly once the Summer Solstice kicks off and ushers in your season at the end of the month.

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Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

<p>Helena Lopes on Unsplash</p>

Helena Lopes on Unsplash

Life is a party and you’re on the VIP list this week, Leo. You’ll start to feel things sizzle when Mercury enters Gemini on June 11—be prepared for some exciting new changes in your social life. The stars will make you feel even more confident and flirtatious than usual. A chance encounter with someone who shares your interests and passions during the New Moon in Gemini could be the start of a beautiful new friendship. Be open and generous with your time, and make the most of this exciting week.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)



The answers you’ve been looking for are here, Virgo! If you have a problem that needs looking at from a new perspective, Mercury in Gemini is delivering just what you need. This is also a good time to reach out to your trusted friends to get their perspective on things. If you still don’t feel like you’ve got enough information to make the right decision—wait until after the New Moon in Gemini on June 17. The stars are aligning to illuminate your path forward—just be patient and all will reveal itself in time.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct 22)



There are a lot of new responsibilities heading your way this week, Libra. Your creativity and problem-solving skills will get an added boost when Mercury enters Gemini. And there’s a great opportunity for you to impress a mentor or authority figure in your life during this time. Plus, the New Moon in Gemini is strengthening your intuition and instincts. Just be careful to maintain a healthy balance between your personal and professional life to avoid burnout.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

<p>Christin Hume on Unsplash</p>

Christin Hume on Unsplash

You’ve got money on the mind, Scorpio—and we can’t blame you for that. The New Moon in Gemini wants you to get serious about your financial situation and make some changes that will benefit you down the road. Mercury in Gemini will encourage you to ask hard questions and communicate your frustrations with grace. Just be sure to keep things professional. There’s a chance you can find a compromise in your current situation but be prepared to walk away if your needs aren’t being met.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)



Summer is here and it’s asking you to make a big commitment, Sagittarius. For starters, the New Moon in Gemini will be shining a spotlight on your relationships and love life this week. If you’re single, this is a great time to go out and meet someone. And if you’re taken, you’d be wise to book a romantic dinner reservation for two. You don’t need to have all the answers to make your feelings known. And Mercury in Gemini is adding a boost of confidence so you can say what’s on your mind.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)



If you’ve been feeling stuck in your routines lately, this week is the perfect time to break the mold, Capricorn. For starters, Pluto is taking an extended retrograde cycle back into your sign this week—and it’s time to let go of the old way of doing things. You’ll find yourself drawn to new ideas and perspectives during this time. And the New Moon in Gemini wants you to throw out the rulebook and try living in the moment.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)



This week might have you feeling lost in the haze, Aquarius. You may have trouble staying on-task at work or focused on your to-do list, thanks to Mercury in Gemini. Rather than let it overwhelm you, use this energy to brain dump all of the things that have been worrying you lately. The good news is that your week will start to pick up when the New Moon in Gemini adds some much-needed fun to your life. You’re feeling carefree and curious during this time—try planning a date night or a spontaneous weekend getaway.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

<p>Tetiana SHYSHKINA on Unsplash</p>

Tetiana SHYSHKINA on Unsplash

The creative juices are flowing for you this week, Pisces. With Saturn stationing retrograde in your sign for the next few months, the limits that were holding you back are no more. And when the New Moon enters Gemini on June 17, you might find your luck rubbing off on those closest to you in your life. You’ll be feeling emboldened to test boundaries and press your luck in more ways than one. This can be an incredibly empowering experience, so long as you don’t let your dreams turn into delusions.

Next: Sensing a Spark? These Are the 3 Most Flirtatious Zodiac Signs, According To An Astrologer