This Is Exactly How Each Zodiac Sign Should Celebrate the Summer Solstice, According to an Astrologer

Ready to turn up the heat? Summer is almost here, and with it comes warmer nights and plenty of adventure. The summer solstice marks the official start of summer and is also the longest day of the year, with more daylight to celebrate. This year, the summer solstice falls on June 21—the same day that Cancer season begins. In astrology, the solstice is a time of rest and relaxation. It’s a chance to look at everything you’ve accomplished so far and celebrate your success. And if you’re feeling stagnant in life, it's the perfect time to start fresh—especially using your summer solstice horoscope.

“There is a transactional exchange between ourselves and the sky, however, it’s working in our best interest as long as we lead with faith and not fear. The seeds were planted in the spring, and this summer we get to watch everything grow,” says celebrity astrologer and tarot reader Kayla Murphy. So whether you’re hoping to make a big career change, shoot your shot with that special someone, or make your mark in a new city–you can use the cosmic energy of the summer solstice to supercharge your manifestations.

What the Summer Solstice Means for the Zodiac Signs

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This year the summer solstice starts things off on an intense note, with the Moon in Leo opposing Pluto on the day summer starts. This transit might bring some unresolved issues or intense feelings to the surface. However, it’s also a chance to reflect on where you’ve felt powerless in your life lately and encourage you to embrace a new path forward. “This next chapter will usher in very transformative beginnings and endings; breakups, people quitting their jobs, deciding to leave their cities, and more,” Murphy says.

Venus in Leo will also join the party and add a much-needed dose of self-love to the air. This is your chance to stand your ground and choose yourself. “The summer solstice leaves us at a crossroads of deciding to either stick to what’s familiar, even if it’s not truly fulfilling our desires or take a calculated leap of faith that promises a much more abundant foundation,” Murphy explains. And while some zodiac signs will feel the energy of the solstice more directly, it’s looking like it will be a truly transformative moment for everyone. Read on to learn everything you need to know about the 2023 summer solstice and what it has in store for each zodiac sign.

Aries (March 20-April 19)

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You’re doing things differently this summer, Aries. The solstice is bringing refreshing new energy to your life as you reconsider your current path. Don’t let the fear of the unknown keep you from making your move. Venus in Leo will give you a much-needed boost of confidence and embolden you to take a risk. “New beginnings are on the horizon for you, Aries, but not without a dramatic entrance. All of your dreams and desire comes at the expense of finally letting go of what has been preventing you from growth and weighing you down,” says Murphy.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

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This summer is starting off on a high note for you, Taurus. Everything is falling into place for you, and the next year is bringing abundance and blessings to your life. Jupiter in Taurus will allow you to solidify your plans and benefit from your hard work. And the summer solstice is your chance to sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labor. “This is a full circle moment for Taurus just ahead of wrapping up eclipse season. The summer solstice is the celebration of having come out of this transit with a crystal clear vision for what the future holds,” explains Murphy.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

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The summer solstice is urging you to embrace creativity and whimsy, Gemini. Venus in Leo will add a spark of curiosity to your social life and invite you to make new connections. It’s time to be more intentional about where you focus your attention and energy. This month is an important chance to get back in touch with yourself and figure out where you feel most aligned. “You’re tired of playing the same old inauthentic role in your life out of habit, Gemini. The summer solstice will push you to outgrow old habits and find something that fits better,” Murphy says.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

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Ready for your moment in the spotlight, Cancer? The summer solstice marks the start of your season, and this year there’s plenty of positive energy in the air. With the Sun moving into Cancer during the solstice, you’ll find it’s easier for you to express your desires and ask for what you want. Take the leap, the Universe has your back. “The summer solstice is setting the stage for Cancer to have their main character moment, and inviting in major and transcendental changes of fate. There’s an ‘ask and you shall receive’ relationship between you and the stars this year," Murphy says.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

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This is an exciting time of year when you’ll have more energy than usual, Leo. And the summer solstice is pushing you to embrace your passions and desires, Leo. Venus will spend the month in your sign, adding a dash of charm to your aura. Now is the time to approach life with an abundance mindset. Whatever you desire in life, the summer solstice is your chance to manifest it. “It’s a time of self-celebration and spoiling for you, Leo. The summer solstice is providing you with the profound opportunity to alchemize past pain into power to fuel your dreams,” says Murphy.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

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Things are looking busy for you this summer, Virgo. You’ve been working tirelessly toward a goal or dream for the last few months, and now that Jupiter has entered Taurus, it’s time to get to work. The summer solstice is giving you plenty of time to plan your next move and carve out a path forward. It might get tiresome at times over the next few months, but all of your hard work will pay off by the time your season rolls around in September. “Virgo might feel like they’re facing challenges this summer, but it’s for the sake of character development. Don’t give up, just do what you do best and adapt,” says Murphy.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct 22)

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You’ve been stuck in the same routine for a while now, Libra. Whether out of obligation or lack of time, there hasn’t been a lot of time for joy and pleasure in your life lately. Luckily, all of that’s changing this summer. The summer solstice is set to shake up your social circle and push you out of your comfort zone. “Libra is having a summer of evolution with the Nodes of Fate moving into Aries and Libra just a few weeks into the season. This is a great time to embrace novelty and new experiences with open arms,” Murphy says.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

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Expect the summer solstice to bring some major blessings to your life this year, Scorpio. The eclipses have been causing chaos in your life for the last 18 months, and now things are looking brighter for you. The summer solstice is giving you the opportunity to slow down and reminisce on how much you’ve changed this year. This is a great opportunity for setting intentions and ushering in a new era. “Scorpio is leaving a whole lot of chaos in the past to make room for the incoming abundance Jupiter in Taurus so desperately wants to give to them,” Murphy says.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

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Good news, Sagittarius! If you have been waiting for a chance to manifest a brand new chapter in life, things will start to pick up this summer. Venus in Leo is coming in to brighten your summer, bringing financial blessings your way. Don’t be surprised if a new and lucrative opportunity falls into your lap seemingly out of nowhere this summer. Pay attention to what your gut is telling you. “Everything you’ve been working toward this past year has been accounted for and the Universe is ready to reward you with an entirely new trajectory in life,” says Murphy.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

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Ready to reinvent yourself, Capricorn? The summer solstice is giving you a chance to expand your idea of what you can accomplish. It’s time to leave behind the expectations other people have for you. Venus in Leo will bring a surge in confidence and clarity to your life, leading to exciting new opportunities. This summer is also a good time to focus on strengthening your existing relationships, including the ones you have with yourself. “Capricorn is stepping into a glow-up era, and the summer solstice is showing them that they’re more ready and capable to handle whatever life throws at them,” says Murphy.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

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You’re the main character this month, Aquarius. The summer solstice will have you feeling like a whole new person. And Venus in Leo is asking you to shoot for the stars and show the world what you can do. This is a time when old fears are being put to rest, and new dreams are being formed. Luck is on your side this summer. “This past spring challenged your ability to pivot and adapt to major changes in your life. And this summer, every ounce of strength, patience and sacrifice you’ve invested into yourself will be rewarded,” says Murphy.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

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How’s your third-eye feeling, Pisces? This summer is your chance to swim in the spiritual waters of life, and make some major transformations to the world around you. It’s time to take a leap of faith and trust your intuition will carry you through. The summer solstice is your chance to let go of your limiting beliefs and move forward with conviction. “Roll with the punches. Use this time to look inward and dream up your biggest desires, that way you can take action and assert yourself more confidently throughout the summer,” Murphy says.