Water-Loving Labrador Blatantly Ignores Mom After Drenching His Towel in the Pool

It's no secret that Labrador Retrievers love being in the water, and Buster is no exception. The pooch is lucky enough to have a pool in his backyard and it's his favorite place to be. I love watching videos of dogs swimming around, but I can imagine it would get very annoying for his mom to have to beg and plead with him to stay out of the pool all of the time!

Buster's mom shared a video on Mother's Day of her attempting to get him out of the pool since he was in there without her permission. She had just dried him off after she made him get out of the pool, but he wasn't done and decided to jump back in with his towel still on. Watch on to see how mom finally gets him out of the pool - the whole thing will make you smile!

Buster's poor mom! She was exasperated by her second attempt and resorted to the thing all moms resort to when they are at their wit's end: bribery. She knew he wouldn't be able to turn down his favorite toy!

Commenters got a kick out of Buster's antics. @Andy276 pointed out, "Buster mastered the art of ignoring you and excelled!!!! Too too funny!!!" @Raquel spoke for all of us when she asked, "Why do I laugh every time he disobeys???" and @Heather jokingly pointed out, "How come Buster is the only one that gets in trouble? The other pup seems to get a free pass. #Justice for Buster LOL!"

Related: Chocolate Lab Puppy's Adorable Hop Into the Pool Instantly Made Us Smile

Differences Between Labrador and Golden Retrievers

One of the commenters remarked about Buster being a Golden Retriever. I can see how people confuse Goldens and Labrador Retrievers because they have very similar looks. There are some main differences, and once you know them, they can help you determine which dog is which.

Let's look at the main difference, there coloring. The American Kennel Club's standard for Golden Retrievers is just as the name implies and they only come in various golden shades. The American Kennel Club's standard for Labrador Retriever coat colors is black, yellow, and chocolate.

Another noticeable difference between the two is their size. Labs are bigger; males tend to weigh 65 to 80 pounds, while females weigh 55 to 70 pounds while Golden males weigh between 65 to 75 pounds, while females weigh 55 to 65 pounds. Labs tend to stand taller as well.

The dogs' coat lengths are also a giveaway. Labs have a short, straight, dense coat while Goldens are known for their long, soft coats.

Do a quick internet search on the two breeds and you'll be able to see the differences, especially side-by-side. Do you prefer one over the other?

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