Watch: Surf Camera Captures Surfer Getting Attacked by a Shark in Waikiki

More shark action on the island of Oahu.

Officials say an "aggressive eight-foot tiger shark" attacked a surfer at a Waikiki surf spot called Old Man’s off of Kaimana Beach, on Monday, March 4.

A Surfline camera captured the attack, which shows the surfer wrestling with the shark before getting back onto his board and paddling in. Luckily, the surfer wasn't injured, but the shark left a full jaw bite mark on the board, Hawaii News Now reported.

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Captioning the news segment above, Hawaii News Now wrote:

"Warning signs are posted along Kaimana beach after a shark bit a surfer’s board off Waikiki Monday afternoon."

Opening the video, Keahi Tucker reports:

"The breaking news tonight is a shark attack. Just an hour ago off the Outrigger Canoe Club in Waikiki. It appears the surfer is alright. The attack was captured by a Surfline camera."

The footage shows the surfer sitting on his board at Old Man's, a surf spot in Waikiki. Suddenly, he gets pulled under by the shark and the two "thrash around" before the surfer gets back on his board and "races for the rest of the pack."

According to officials, it was an "aggressive eight-foot tiger shark."

"Surfline video shows the apparent attack around 5 p.m. Less than an hour later, Honolulu EMS sent a ‘Shark Warning’ through the city and county emergency notification system," Hawaii News Now reported.

Close call.

On Saturday, an 11-year-old girl suffered "lacerations to the top and bottom of her foot" during a suspected shark attack at an East Side surf spot called Rainbows. The girl received stitches and is in stable condition.


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