Watch This Pack of Leopard Sharks Swim in the Shallows of San Diego Near Humans

Normally, sharks are something you’d want to steer clear of.

Especially surfers – given the recent spate of attacks and encounters in Hawaii, the two surfers who were terrorized by a great white shark in Cape Cod over the weekend, and the perpetuated semi-fictionalized terror from 1975’s Jaws. (Thanks, Spielberg.)

But some folks are encouraging others to come experience sharks in-person for themselves down in San Diego. To be specific, leopard sharks and in La Jolla.

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In a video posted by EverdayCA on TikTok, tiger sharks are seen mingling amongst humans rather peacefully. Coexisting, one sage-dusting, tree-hugging individual might say.

Captioning the clips, they wrote:

“Get down to La Jolla Shores today and catch these lady leopard sharks before they’re gone.”


“Come and snorkel with us in La Jolla for shark week.”

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According to the Monterey Bay Aquarium:

“Leopard sharks have a reputation for being docile toward people, says Manny Ezcurra, who has handled the Aquarium's leopard sharks since 1996. "But they're not so docile toward invertebrates and small fishes. We have to be careful about who we put in the exhibit with them," he says.”

And that may be well and true for this specific breed of shark, but this area has a different history and reputation when it comes to sharks.

Back in 1959, a man by the name of Robert Pamperin was diving for abalone in La Jolla cove with his friend, Gerald Lehrer, who hear, “help me!”

All that was recovered was Pamperin’s diving fin.


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